Cancer specialists who are focused on your particular cancer

Karmanos offers 15 multidisciplinary teams; each designed and staffed specifically to ensure that patients and their families get their cancer diagnosis and treatment right the first time. Each team consists of cancer specialists who are focused on your particular cancer and who have devoted their careers to fighting the very cancer with which you are confronted.

Our team members in Michigan and Ohio include specialists from each discipline including, diagnostic, medical and surgical oncology, radiation oncology; pathology; radiology; oncology nursing; supportive care; and, when appropriate, genetics.

Committed to delivering the best care

Karmanos’ multidisciplinary teams thrive on collaboration and share a passion to reduce time and eliminate doubt among our patients.

The entire team reviews the diagnostic information and speaks directly with the physician who first examined you so that they can make a recommendation for your care that reflects the latest thinking from all of the various specialties.

Your multidisciplinary cancer treatment team then assists you and your loved ones in deciding where your care can best be provided. Most often, cancer care can be administered in the community where you live. Sometimes the services of a highly-specialized center such as the Karmanos Cancer Institute are required.

Request Appointment Online Call 1-800-KARMANOS

Patient Stories

Deborah Nutt

Karmanos Cancer Institute

Fear—it’s the first thing Deborah Nutt felt when she was told that the lump she found wasn’t an infected lymphoid; it was squamous cell (neck) cancer.

Elfia Blake

Karmanos Cancer Institute

Advanced care, thoughtful treatment made world of difference for Ohio breast cancer survivor

Paul Poole

Karmanos Cancer Institute

“I just have a different faith now, and these doctors have given me that.”
See All Patient Stories

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