Event & Holter Monitoring

Event Monitor

What to expect:

An event monitor is a monitor used to monitor heart activity and is worn for 14-30 days, depending on the doctor's order. When the patient arrives, a cardiopulmonary technician will attach and activate the monitor. The process for using the monitor will be explained and the patient should feel comfortable with the monitor and its instructions before leaving. McLaren Health Care contracts with a company that will contact the patient if he or she experiences an "event" while the monitor is activated. Prior to leaving, the patient will speak with a representative from the company. An envelope will be provided to send the monitor and accompanying items back to the company at the end of the monitoring period.


  • Keep a log of activities while wearing the monitor and relay the events and notes to the cardiopulmonary staff.
  • Follow the instructions included with the event monitor.

Total Time: 30 minutes

Holter Monitor

What to expect:

A Holter monitor is a 24 or 48-hour heart monitor that records the patient's heart activity. When the patient arrives, a cardiopulmonary technician will attach and activate the monitor. The patient must keep a diary of normal activities and any symptoms experienced. They will be instructed to return at the same time 24 to 48 hours later to have the monitor removed.


  • Keep a log of normal activities and any symptoms experienced in the 24 to 48-hour time span
  • Continue normal daily activities. However, NO swimming, showering or bathing as the monitor cannot get wet.

Total Time: 30 minutes