Orthopedic surgeons at McLaren are now performing highly advanced spinal procedures using Curve™ by Brainlab, the ultimate command and control center for information-guided surgery.
The OHX microscope allows the entire surgical team to be in sync with the surgeon for every second of the surgery. The special lenses in the microscope allows our surgeons to see in fine detail to navigate complex spinal structures with precision.
Deb Steiner, unit assistant at McLaren Greater Lansing, strives to make a difference in the lives of her patients and improve their experience while at the hospital. However, chronic back pain, which started in 2012 caused by her spondylolisthesis , had begun to affect her quality of life. “When my symptoms first started, I was living in Virginia, and the pain just kept getting worse and worse,” said Steiner. “Then I started to have other symptoms such as uncontrolled migraines.” Prior to coming t...
Read more about Mary’s incredible story of surgery and how a posterior lumbar fusion gave her back the ability to walk Imagine having so much pain in your lower back that it robbed you of your ability to walk. This is exactly what happened to Mary, who was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a disorder that can affect the stability of your connective tissues including the skin, joints, and blood vessel walls. This disorder has impacted many of the joints in her body, causing her pain and an ina...
“The new BrainLab navigation platform provides an interoperative CT scan that allows us to place spinal hardware in the exact location it needs to go." According to Georgetown University , nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. Some 16 million adults — 8% of all adults — experience persistent or chronic back pain, and as a result are limited in certain everyday activities. While most cases of chronic low back or neck pain can be treated conservatively, surgery may...