Sinus infection , commonly known as sinusitis, happens when fluid builds up in the air-filled pockets for your sinuses, which allows germs to grow and cause inflammation. When this inflammation continues for more than three months, it can lead to chronic sinusitis . In severe cases, sinus surgery may be needed to treat this condition. “Only a small percentage of patients with sinus disease end up needing sinus surgery. Most of the time, these cases can be managed with medical therapy, allergy the...
"Symptoms to a common cold are typically a short period of time, lasting a few days to a week, but a sinus infection will have other associated symptoms such as a fever or foul smell, and it tends to linger." Upper respiratory illnesses are more common during the winter season, and many people develop the sniffles. Sometimes those sniffles can progress into a sinus infection. Sinus infections , also called sinusitis, happens when fluid builds up in the air-filled pockets or sinuses, which a...