Below is information about how to schedule and start a virtual visit with your physician
Call the office and request a virtual visit.
If your medical need can be managed by a telehealth visit, the office will assist you in scheduling an appointment.
Telehealth appointments are confidential visits between a patient (regardless of location) and provider. Patients can participate in telehealth visits using any web-camera-enabled device such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer with a web camera installed.
Receive an email with login instructions
Once the appointment is scheduled, the patient will receive an email from with a link to the “virtual waiting room” the day before the visit.
Login 15 minutes prior to your visit
On the day of the visit, the patient is contacted by a staff member from the office about 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment to assist the patient in entering the “Virtual Waiting Room”.
Mike and Faith West are feeling an immense amount of gratitude for visiting McLaren Greater Lansing on a much happier occasion as they watch the 3D cardiac ultrasound machine that they helped purchase be delivered to the hospital. Just months ago, Faith was brought to McLaren Greater Lansing emergency room by her husband after experiencing shortness of breath. She was rushed into surgery to have to stents placed in her right carotid artery . After receiving life-saving care, she and her husband wanted t...
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