Podiatry Services

As we age, wear and tear can cause problems like heel pain, bunions and arthritis. A podiatrist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle conditions such as athlete's foot, or bunions, to more complex issues such as bone and joint disorders, foot care for diabetics, and sports injuries.

The podiatric specialists at McLaren offer a complete range of services for treating ailments of the foot and ankle and are dedicated to helping patients return to pain-free mobility and better podiatric health.

Services Include:

  • Ankle and foot joint and ligament repair
  • Arthroscopic and minimal incision procedures
  • Wound care and revisional skin grafting
  • Repair of bunions, neuromas, hammertoes
  • Fracture repair and casting
  • Outpatient surgery with twilight sedation for most cases
  • Joint replacement procedures
  • Diabetic foot care / diabetic shoe program provider
  • Painful nail care / ingrown nail procedures
  • Peripheral Neuropathy testing and treatment