Vascular Rehabilitation

Vascular Rehabilitation is a non-invasive exercise program that improves maximal walking distance in patients with claudication, pain in the legs with activity that subsides with rest.

This supervised exercise program is designed to increase pain-free walking distance in patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD). The program uses a walk/rest interval training program to train the leg muscles to use oxygen more efficiently, therefore allowing patients to walk further without pain. Rehab combines exercise and comprehensive healthy lifestyle education for patients with PAD to enhance their overall cardiovascular health, promote functional independence, & improve quality of life.

Most patients with claudication do not exercise or walk on their own as prescribed by most physicians. Vascular Rehab consists of a personalized exercise prescription that teaches and motivates a patient to walk at a level that will improve their pain free walking distance.

Program outline:

  • Supervised Exercise Program
  • Hourly exercise sessions 3 times/week
  • Individual exercise orientation & consultation
  • Individualized exercise prescription
  • Comprehensive Education
  • Outcome measurements

Vascular Rehabilitation is dedicated to improving the lives of people with intermittent claudication, one step at a time!