Advanced Breast Imaging Technology in Lapeer County

Breast Cancer Screening Near You

Your health care team employs the latest technology and treatments to ensure your greatest chance at success, including immunotherapy, minimally invasive surgery and intensity-modulated radiation therapy to minimize radiation exposure of nearby healthy organs including the lungs and heart.

McLaren Lapeer breast clinic exterior

The Breast Clinic at McLaren Lapeer Region, located in the Karmanos Cancer Institute, has significantly reduced the time between diagnosis and first-course treatment, which clinical trials have concluded lead to higher success rates.

Here’s what patients can expect from our multidisciplinary team in the Breast Clinic:

  • A passionate, caring, expert team, giving you the best chance of success.
  • A collaborative approach that considers all available treatment options, including clinical trials, for your specific type of breast cancer.
  • A carefully-constructed treatment plan designed to achieve the best possible outcome.
  • Respectful, compassionate care that is responsive to your emotional needs and lifestyle.
  • Proactive, timely communication with you and your loved ones, and your personal physician.

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Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Lapeer Region

1295 Barry Drive, Suite B
Lapeer, MI 48446
(810) 667-4994

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smiling woman

Evaluation & Diagnosis

Each patient receives personal attention and a customized treatment plan from our breast cancer experts. During your initial visit, a physician will review your medical records, medical history, your mammograms, x-rays and pathology slides. The breast cancer team meets regularly to discuss patient care issues and refine individual patient treatment plans.

Breast Cancer - Signs and Symptoms

There may not be symptoms that appear during the early stages of breast cancer, which is why routine screening mammograms are important for detecting the cancer as early as possible. The most common signs and symptoms are:

  • A lump or thickness in the breast or underarm area
  • A change in color, feel, size or shape of the breast or nipple
  • Unusual pain in the breast or an unusual discharge

Most women should have yearly breast cancer screenings if they:

  • Are 40 years or older.
  • Have a family history of breast cancer, especially a first- or second- degree relative who has had the disease.
  • Have a personal or family history of certain genetic mutations.
  • Have dense breasts.
  • Are considered high risk for breast cancer.

3D Mammography

If you are a woman at average risk, getting an annual mammogram beginning at age 40 is smart. Women with one or more risk factors should talk with their family doctor or an expert in the Breast Clinic about when to begin getting mammograms. We offer the Genius™ 3D Mammography exam — the only mammogram that is FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts.

The Genius™ 3D exam provides better, earlier breast cancer detection compared to 2D alone. Greater accuracy means better breast cancer detection and a reduced chance of additional screenings

The Genius exam is proven to:

  • Provide better, earlier breast cancer detection.
  • Reduce unnecessary callbacks by up to 40 percent.
  • Find on average, 20-65 percent more invasive cancers than conventional mammography alone.

To make an appointment for a 3D Mammogram, call:

Breast MRI

An MRI of the breast is ordered by a primary care physician if a traditional screening, such as a mammogram or ultrasound, come back with unclear results. A breast MRI could also be used to diagnose and evaluate breast cancer, and to look for other abnormalities of the breast.

A Breast MRI usually takes 30 minutes and uses a strong magnetic field to create detailed, cross sectional pictures of the breasts which can be hard to see using other imaging tests.

This technology is an expanded feature of the new ambient experience MRI suite located within the hospital. Before entering the MRI, patients can choose from a variety of settings, from ocean, to rainforest, and even to outer space. Once in the MRI, images of their chosen environment appear along with their related sounds and lighting. This new ambient experience MRI is one of only a handful in the entire state of Michigan.

To make an appointment for a Breast MRI, call:

Want More Information or Have Questions?

For more information, please contact our Oncology Program Coordinator by calling (810) 667-5814 or by submitting the form.

*Indicates required information

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