See a primary care provider fast by scheduling an appointment with any of the providers below, who are currently accepting new patients within four weeks or less—including family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, cardiology and OB/GYN providers.
All Providers Accepting New Patients
John Kuhn III, MD
1117 Stone Street, Suite 1, Port Huron, MI 48060
1900 Columbus Avenue, 4th Floor South Tower, Bay City, MI
Benjamin Mize, M.D.
3140 West Campus Dr., Bay City, MI 48706
Owolabi Ogunneye, MD, FRCP
2486 Nerredia St., Suite E, Flint, MI 48532
Senthil Ramaiyah, MD
Audrey Stryker, MD
621 Court St., Ste. 102, West Branch, MI 48661
Lindsey Walker, DO
401 S. Ballenger Hwy., Flint, MI 48532