Our Trauma Center
Choose Tuscola County's MDHHS Level IV Certified trauma center
From the emergency medical services personnel at the scene of an accident or injury, through discharge, McLaren Caro Region's Trauma Center plays a vital role in the survival and healing of severely injured patients.
Every hour of the day, surgeons, emergency medicine physicians and surgical specialists, as well as nurses and other health care personnel provide immediate care to trauma patients. Vital support services such as the blood bank, laboratory services and diagnostic radiology, as well as case managers, respiratory therapists, physical therapists and other medical professionals are all part of McLaren Caro Region's trauma patient care team.
Specially equipped Trauma bays with the latest technology are available in the emergency room at McLaren Caro Region, where experienced physicians and other emergency health care providers evaluate injuries, resuscitate, stabilize and provide emergency medical care to the most critically injured patients. Trauma specialists work with emergency room physicians in providing care to trauma patients transported to McLaren Caro Region.
- Rapid Trauma Evaluation, Resuscitation, and Care for all injured patients.
- Trauma-Trained Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, and Nurses In ED, and Critical Care Multidisciplinary approach to specialized care
- Knowledgeable, Motivated, and Caring Staff throughout their entire stay.
Injury Prevention Highlights
- Fall Prevention Education - Matter of Balance, Educational Pamphlets, Window Postings, Social Media Postings
- Stop the Bleed - Basic Bleeding Control Education
- Water Safety - Education, Life Jackets, Social Media Posting
- Head Injury Prevention - Bike Helmets
- Distracted Driving Education and Distracted Driving Simulator
- Seasonal Safety Tips - Coloring Books for young children and social media postings
- Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) endorsed education programs.
- Certified ENA Instructors
- Trauma Nursing Core Curriculum Course (TNCC)
- Emergency Nurse Pediatric Care Course (ENPC)
- Both programs offered at McLaren Bay Region
- Staff Education Symposiums
- Patient Resource Guide – For all Trauma Admitted Trauma Patients
Trauma System Involvement
McLaren Caro Region Trauma member of the Following Trauma Organizations and Committees
- Trauma Center Association of America
- Michigan Trauma Coalition General Membership Injury Prevention Subcommittee
- MDHHS Regional Trauma Network (Region 3) Regional Trauma Advisory Council
- Injury Prevention Subcommittee
- Education Subcommittee
- Regional Professional Review Standards Organization Subcommittee
- Trauma Registry Subcommittee
- Transport, Triage, and Destination Subcommittee