Compliance Program and Resources

To assist in communicating and implementing the Standards of Conduct, McLaren Health Care Corporation maintains a Corporate Compliance Program. The Board of Trustees of each subsidiary and the Board of Directors of McLaren Health Care are committed to maintaining an organizational culture that encourages ethical behavior as well as the prevention, detection, and resolution of instances of conduct that do not conform to the laws, standards, and payer requirements of the health care industry.

The MHC compliance program and each subsidiary compliance program were developed in collaboration and articulate the Corporation’s dedication to operating in a manner that demonstrates integrity, ethical standards and compliance with the federal, state, and local laws that govern operations. The Board is ultimately responsible for ensuring that McLaren Health Care has an active and effective compliance program. The Board also has final authority and responsibility for actions taken on identified issues, concerns, and recommendations. The Compliance Officer is responsible for the day-to-day oversight and operation of the compliance program.

The Compliance Officer has the authority to review all documents and other information that are relevant to compliance activities. He/she may also investigate the contracts and arrangements McLaren Health Care has with other parties.

The MHC Corporate Compliance Committee oversees the implementation of the compliance programs and collaborates on compliance initiatives, including the review of policies and procedures and annual compliance plans and reports. In addition, the Committee oversees audits and reviews the effectiveness of the compliance program. MHC Compliance Departments accomplish this purpose through several tools including:

  • Standards of Conduct
  • Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosures for leadership, providers and governing boards
  • Assignment of Compliance Officer and teams at each MHC subsidiary
  • A Compliance Hotline for reporting of actual or suspected violations without fear of retaliation
  • Development of compliance policies and procedures which provide standardization of operational activities
  • New hire and annual education programs, newsletters, and regulatory updates for all workforce members, as well as specialized education for leadership and employees in high risk positions
  • Internal and external auditing and monitoring programs with action plans when applicable
  • Organizational enforcement of compliance related issues
  • Screening mechanisms for assurance of qualified employees, vendors, and contractor relationships
  • Annually developed compliance plans addressing areas of focus within specific departments or divisions
  • Quarterly compliance reports to MHC and at least semi-annual reports to subsidiary boards

Compliance Reporting

McLaren Health Care has an anonymous toll free hotline which workforce members can use to report potential compliance concerns. Workforce members may contact the MHC Compliance Office at 1-866-MHC-COMPLY.

Our Pledge to You

McLaren Health Care understands that health information about you is private and personal, and we are committed to protecting it. We protect the privacy of your health information because it is the right thing to do. We follow federal and state laws that govern your health information. Each time you visit a hospital, physician or other health care provider, a record of your visit is made. Our Privacy Notice and The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) responsibilities apply to the records of your care at McLaren, whether created by facility staff or your personal physician. We are required by law to make sure that health information that identifies you is kept private, to provide you with access to our Notice of Privacy Practices outlining our legal duties concerning your health information, and to follow the terms of the Privacy Notice that is currently in effect.

HIPAA Provides Individuals with Certain Rights:

Copies of our Notice of Privacy Practices

You have the right to receive a copy of our current Notice. If this Notice was previously sent to you electronically, you may request a paper copy at any time.

MHC Notice of Privacy Practices – English

MHC Notice of Privacy Practices – Spanish

MHC Notice of Privacy Practices – Arabic

MHC Notice of Privacy Practices – Vietnamese


Amendments You have the right to request in writing that your health information be amended if you think there is an error. MHC Request for Amendment of Health Information

Confidential Communication

You have the right to request that your medical information be shared with you in a confidential manner, such as an alternate address or phone number. MHC Request for Confidential Communication


You have the right to submit a written request to restrict how we use or share your medical information for treatment or other purposes. MHC Request for Restriction on the Use and Disclosure of Health Information

Access and Copies

You have the right to review, inspect or receive a copy of your medical information (including an electronic copy if we maintain the records electronically).

Accounting of Disclosures

You have the right to receive a list of your medical information that is shared outside of McLaren for a purpose other than treatment, payment or healthcare operations that do not require your consent. MHC Request for Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information

Notification of a Breach

You have the right to receive notice if we or our business associates have breached the confidentiality of your health information..

Report a Privacy Concern

You have the right to report a privacy concern and be assured that we will investigate your concern thoroughly. You may report any privacy concerns to the Compliance Officer at one of our facilities or to our main office at 866-642-2667 or [email protected], or to the Office for Civil Rights, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Protecting Patient Privacy

McLaren Health Care is legally required to protect the privacy of its patients and the security of information about them. Therefore, McLaren does not permit patients or their family members/visitors to photograph, audio record, or video record:

  • other patients/visitors;
  • staff, physicians or volunteers without first obtaining their consent;
  • patient procedures without first obtaining express permission of the involved care team members;
  • or any patient records or other documents

Protecting Patient Privacy Flyer

Request EMR Access

You may submit your request for MHC Electronic Medical Record (EMR) access if you are a vendor or outside organization with a business need to access the MHC Electronic Medical Record. Submit your request

Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills

Download the Good Faith Estimates flyer outlining your rights to a good faith estimate of medical costs.

Download the informational poster outlining your rights and protections against surprise medical bills.

Website Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy

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