McLaren's Hybrid Operating Room opens the door to the future for less-invasive, less-traumatic procedures for increasingly complex vascular treatment that you may need.
Fourteen percent of adults in our area having some degree of heart and vascular disease, the need for this type of imaging capability to support the ever-more complex procedures available to manage these patients.
The Hybrid Operating Rooms at McLaren offer significant advantages to patients, with one of the primary benefits being reduced risk. The combined setting, which offers exceptional imaging capabilities during surgical procedures, reduces delays and infection risk associated with having to move patients to different areas of the hospital.
Multiple images of the patient are displayed on a monitor along with other important information including blood pressure rate, heart rate, and oxygen level. Better imaging means that more procedures can be done on a less-invasive basis with less requirement for general anesthesia for most patients.
Specialists Using the Hybrid OR
Vascular surgeons, cardiothoracic surgeons, interventional cardiologists, neurosurgeons, and neurointerventionalists can take advantage of the new technology.
Trained Staff
The staff of the Hybrid OR is specially trained to get the most out of the technology. The two vascular surgeons are trained specifically in how to use it, as are the radiologists and nurses.
The members of the team, with background experiences in the cath lab, OR, and radiology technology, bring different skill sets, and have learned new skills. Developing good working relationships based on sharing knowledge makes the Hybrid valuable.
Jeff Miller
McLaren Health Care
Bill DuRussel
Catherine Loss
Wed 02 Apr
Wed 07 May
Tue 13 May
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