MIST® Therapy

MIST® Therapy is an advanced painless, non-contact, low-frequency ultrasound treatment delivered through a saline mist to aid in the healing of wounds. This innovative treatment is offered at McLaren to help healing and decrease chances of infection.

Sometimes during the healing process, the cells in a wound seem to shut down. This causes the healing process to stall. MIST therapy’s ultrasound waves gently push against cells in the wound, like a hand pressing on a water balloon. This essentially wakes the cells up so they can continue their normal healing process.

Unlike most wound therapies that are limited to treating the wound surface, the gentle sound waves of mist therapy stimulate the cells within and below the wound bed to accelerate the normal healing process. These gentle sound waves promote healing in several ways, including:

  • Reducing a wide-range of bacteria
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Stimulating cells with increased blood flow
  • Releasing growth factors
  • Increasing collagen deposits

The ultrasound in MIST therapy is safely delivered through a saline mist that does not require contact with the wound and is painless to apply. Several studies have even shown it reduces wound pain over time.