The String of 'Blessings' that Made One Cancer Survivor Believe in Fate and Protons

Author: Leslie Toldo

Prostate cancer was a health threat that was always there, in the back of Bill Fegel’s mind.  His father had it. So did two of his uncles, and one of them died.

“My uncle lost his battle with it because he didn’t catch it early,” Bill said. “So, I was monitoring to make sure that didn’t happen to me. Last year, my PSA (prostate-specific antigen) started climbing quickly.”

Bill had a biopsy on December 22, 2023. He had to wait three agonizing days, until Christmas passed, to finally learn he had prostate cancer.

“I don’t use that c-word. I just won’t say it,” Bill said. “But I got to work researching treatment options right away.”

After a meeting with four doctors in Grand Rapids, where he lives, Bill still wasn’t sure which path to take.  He started praying about it, and even discussed his diagnosis with some of the men in a bible study course he signed up for.   

“One of the guys said he had proton therapy- a newer type of radiation therapy- to treat his prostate cancer,” Bill said. “I had never heard of it before. It sounded like some new-fangled, alternative type of treatment.”

The man gave Bill a book about proton therapy, written by a prostate cancer survivor who had the treatment.

“The author was an engineer, who laid it all out there for me. Side effects, all of it,” Bill said. “According to the book, because of the way protons deliver the radiation, there is less risk of damage to healthy tissue than with traditional- or photon- radiation. It really caught my attention as far as proton being a good way to go.”

After doing more research Bill found out he could get the treatment at the McLaren Proton Therapy Center in Flint.  

“I met with Dr. Brian Yeh.  He took the time to talk to me and listen.  He didn’t rush me through. He answered all my questions,” Bill said.

“Bill’s primary concern was about pain and side effects.  Protons come with a lower risk of the more complex side effects that can occur after surgery or traditional radiation,” said Radiation Oncologist Dr. Brian Yeh.  “Photons, used in traditional treatment, move through the tumor, and out of the body, leaving an exit dose of radiation that can damage healthy tissue behind the tumor.  Protons stop at the tumor, and can even take on the tumor’s shape, thus lowering the amount of exposure.”   

As excited as he was about proton therapy, there was a problem.  Bill lived a couple of hours away from the McLaren Proton Therapy Center, and he couldn’t afford the gas to get back and forth to Flint for weeks of daily treatments. But, once again, fate stepped in.

“Drita Nuculovic, the nurse navigator at the Proton Therapy Center told me I could stay at the Hospitality House at McLaren Flint while going through weeks of daily treatments,” said Bill. “It was a real blessing.”

The Hospitality House offers accommodations for out-of-town patients and their caregivers for a low, suggested donation, and sometimes free of charge.  Bill couldn’t believe his luck.

“I don’t like to owe anyone, but there were no guilt or bad feelings about me not having the means to afford my stay at the Hospitality House. The staff there never treated me like anything but an honored guest. I felt welcome and comfortable and relieved,” Bill said.

Hospitality House Manager Edwina Johnson gave Bill even more peace of mind when she connected him to a program that agreed to cover the cost of his stay. Not only had Bill found a comfortable place to rest his head, but his treatments were also going extremely well.

“I had zero side effects. It’s beyond amazing,” Bill said. “Most people expect to get side effects with radiation. There are a lot of things that can happen. This is what I had prayed for.”

Bill already had an incredible support system back home, but he was amazed by the support he got from both the staff at the Hospitality House and at the Proton Therapy Center.

“They are all so helpful, respectful, understanding, and a pleasure. It’s a godsend and a blessing that I could experience this,” Bill said.

He still refuses to use the ”c-word”, but he is grateful for his recovery. 

“It really helps and makes a difference if you have faith, other people supporting you, and a positive mental attitude,” Bill said. “Not only did I stay positive, but I was surrounded by positivity in Flint.”

To learn more about proton therapy, visit