Sacrocolpopexy Surgery

About Pelvic Prolapse

Pelvic prolapse is more common in women who have had one or more vaginal births. Other things that can cause or lead to this condition includes:

  • Normal aging
  • Lack of estrogen after menopause
  • Anything that puts pressure on the pelvic muscles, including:
    • chronic cough and obesity
    • Pelvic tumor (rare) Long-term constipation and the pushing associated with it can make this condition worse.

The International Urogynecological Association states that about 1 in 10 women need surgery for prolapse of the uterus or vagina. Women experiencing a sensation of fullness or dragging in the vagina, difficulty emptying the bowel or bladder, along with a backache may be suffering from pelvic organ prolapse.

Robotic Procedure for Sacrocolpopexy

Most women with mild pelvic organ prolapse do not experience these symptoms and do not require surgery. However, for those that are symptomatic and whose quality of life is decreased as a result, surgical treatment is available at McLaren.

OB/GYN physicians are utilizing the da Vinci robotic surgical system to correct uterine and vaginal vault prolapse.

Vaginal vault prolapse surgery is known as sacrocolpopexy. This is a procedure that uses soft, synthetic, FDA-approved mesh to support pelvic organs that have slipped out of their normal positions.

Find Sacrocolpopexy Surgery Using da Vinci Robotics Locations Near You

Patient Stories

Judy Evans

McLaren Health Care

“I thought I was having panic attacks.”

McLaren Health Care

"Thank you so much for taking good care of me during the two surgeries."
See All Patient Stories


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