da Vinci Surgical System®

The da Vinci Surgical System® allows surgeons to operate using much smaller incisions than in traditional surgery. The system's enhanced high resolution three dimensional imaging system allows surgeons to perform delicate procedures with a greater range of motion, control and precision. Surgeons operate from the robotic console and are in control of the instruments and the procedure at all times. Not all surgery is suitable for this kind of technique, but the range of options is increasing.

Click here for the daVinci® Surgical System procedures McLaren offers

Advantages of the da Vinci Surgical System® can include:

  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less pain
  • Less risk of infection
  • Faster recovery
  • Less scarring
  • Reduced blood loss and transfusions
  • Speedier return to daily activities

Advantages for surgeons using robotic-assistance during surgery include:

  • Greater visualization
  • Enhanced surgeon dexterity
  • Greater precision

Da Vinci Surgical Locations Near You


da vinci surgery, general surgery

Hernia Screening Clinic

820 S. Lincoln Street
Bay City

cardiac surgery, cardiology, surgery

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) - A Healthwise Event

Event Center
3101 Discovery Drive, Ste. 200
See All Events

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