McLaren Bay Region
Directory of Frequent Phone Number

Commonly Requested Phone Numbers

McLaren Bay Region - Main Number: (989) 894-3000
Admitting: (989) 894-6515
Billing: (989) 894-3820
Central Scheduling: (989) 667-6303
Medical Records: (989) 894-3873
Patient Experience Manager: (989) 894-3828
Patient Information: (989) 894-3333
Pre-Registration: (989) 667-6326
Security and Lost & Found: (989) 894-3762

Patient Services

Behavioral Health Services: (989) 894-3911
Childbirth Education Programs: (989) 894-3935
Diabetes Education: (989) 894-9528
Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology: (989) 894-3080
Emergency Department: (989) 894-3111
Pain Management Center: (989) 667-3350
McLaren Bay Region Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit: (989) 667-6898
McLaren Bay Special Care – Long-Term Acute Care: (989) 667-6810
McLaren Homecare Group: (866) 323-5974
McLaren Pharmacy (Bedside Delivery – Discharge RX): (989) 894-3744
Center for Rehabilitation: (989) 667-6600


Gift Shop: (989) 894-3198
Pastoral Care/Chaplain: (989) 894-6055
Patient Menu Assistance: (989) 894-3188


Physician Referral: (877) 411-2762
Discharge: (989) 894-3180
Pre-Certification: (989) 667-6375