How to Give

Contributions to McLaren Caro Region may be made in the three different ways:

1) Directly to the Hospital itself;
2) To the Foundation;
3) To the Auxiliary.

All contributions will be used for the continuation and improvement of quality health care services here at the hospital. Your donation may be in the form of cash, memorial, bequest, or other method of your choosing.

To make any sort of donation, simply call the hospital and let the receptionist know you’re interested in a making a donation.

Donating directly to the Hospital

How will my contribution be used?

If you need assistance in selecting a use for your contribution, we would be happy to help. In general, contributions from individuals are usually used to purchase medical equipment to improve our services.

Donating to the Foundation

What is the Foundation?

The Foundation is dedicated to raising funds to support the delivery of quality health care services in the greater Caro area. The Foundation annually holds a Charity Golf Tournament and a Thank You Dinner. Persons who elect to become annual contributors of $150 or more receive an invitation to the Dinner, a festive event that provides friends and neighbors an evening of dining and dancing. The Foundation also sponsors a continuing campaign called the “Tree Of Life”, which supports the Hospital’s Capital Campaign Building Fund. Contributors to this campaign will have their names engraved on the symbols which appear on the “Tree of Life” in the Hospital lobby.  

Are there different categories of giving?

Yes…you may donate to the Foundation through the Samaritan Club or through the Tree of Life campaign.

The Samaritan Club provides the ongoing “bread and butter” support for equipment purchases for the Hospital, and offers four levels of giving:
1) Friend (one time donation under $100)
2) Benefactor ($100 to $1,000*)
3) Sponsor ($1,001 to $5,000*)
4) Patron (over $5,000*)

*may be pledged over time

As mentioned, annual donors of $150 or more will receive an invitation to the Foundation’s annual Thank You Dinner.

The Tree of Life Campaign applies your contributions (over a defined period of years) directly to the Hospital’s ongoing building fund, at the levels shown below. Contributors to this campaign will have their names engraved on the symbols which appear on the “Tree of Life” in the Hospital lobby. The giving levels are:

1) Gold Leaf ($1,000 – $9,999)
2) Small Stone ($10,000 – $24,999)
3) Large Stone ($25,000 – $49,999)
4) Rock ($50,000 and over)

Obviously, a fair amount of consideration may be needed prior to making a contribution of this size. We encourage you to discuss your plans and wishes with any member of the Foundation and to consult your financial planner.

You or your loved ones may also consider a Memorial, Bequest, Trust, or Estate as a way of remembering McLaren Caro Region in a lasting way.

How will my contribution be used?

Funds donated to the “Tree of Life” Capital Campaign support a multi-phased renovation and expansion of the Hospital.

Donating to the Auxiliary

The Auxiliary is dedicated to raising funds to support the delivery of quality health care services in the greater Caro area. The Auxiliary operates the Hospital’s Gift Shop and holds an annual Spring Tea, Garden Walk, Raffle, and the Lighted Tree of Love event.

Are there different categories of giving?

When you donate to the Hospital Auxiliary, you essentially determine your level of giving based on your own personal financial situation. We will be glad to speak with you about the Hospital’s needs at the time of your call.

How will my contribution be used?

In general, contributions from individuals are usually used to purchase equipment to improve Hospital services.


May I make my contribution in memory or in honor of someone?

Certainly! We will help you work out the details, depending on the type of contribution you are making and whether it is through the Hospital directly, the Foundation, or the Auxiliary.

May I make a pledge now and pay later?

Yes…we accept pledges for future payment, and we can offer you a flexible schedule to fit your own personal financial situation.

Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes, your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We urge you to consult with your financial planner for details.