McLaren Central Michigan Patient and Visitor Info

Thank you for choosing McLaren Central Michigan for your health care needs. Our team wants your visit to be the most comfortable that it can be. Whether you're being cared for as a patient, or just visiting a loved one, please refer to the various information regarding food, visitation hours and guidelines, parking information, and much more. If you have any questions during your visit to McLaren Central Michigan, please do not hesitate to ask any employee and we will help point you in the right direction.

What's on this page

Visits from family and friends can play an important role in patient care. Visiting hours are determined by the severity and type of the patient's illness as well as the patient's needs and wants. Ask a health care team member about any special policies regarding visiting policies.

General Visiting Hours

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Visitor Expectations

As a reminder, the following guidelines must be followed by all visitors:

  • Prior approval by the patient's nurse must be received before bringing in any type of food, beverage or medication.
  • No smoking regulations must be observed.
  • Visitors are requested to maintain the common courtesy of no more than two visitors per patient at one time. Additional visitors may be allowed for extenuating circumstances. Visitor guidelines may vary by department.
  • When a physician or other member of the hospital staff arrives, visitors may be requested to leave the patient's room, which allows the patient to have privacy and efficiency of care. However, visitors may stay in the room if requested by patient and provider.
  • Clergy may visit at any time the patient wishes.
  • Visitors will be requested to observe hospital quiet time from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Visitor Expectations

  • Quiet Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (observed on all units)
  • COVID-19 Screening: All visitors must self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Children: Children under age 12 (must be accompanied by an adult)
  • Non-Smoking: Smoking and/or the use of any tobacco or product, including electronic cigarettes and marijuana, is not permitted anywhere in the hospital or on hospital grounds.
  • Hand Hygiene: Please regularly practice proper hand hygiene upon entering and exiting patient rooms.
  • Check In: All visitors must check in at the Patient Information Desk located in the main lobby or at the Emergency Department Check-in.

Specialty Units

Family Birthing Center

  • General Visitation: 8:30 am to 8:00 pm (as desired by patient)
  • Fathers or birth partners: Any time.
  • Quiet time: as desired by patient.
  • Patients in labor may have two visitors in attendance which includes the coach/support person. Other arrangements can be made in special circumstances with the Providers approval.

Karmanos Cancer Institute

  • One visitor is permitted for consultations and follow-up appointments per patient. Additional visitors may be allowed for extenuating circumstances.
  • One visitor may be allowed to accompany patients in treatment areas at the staff’s discretion.
  • Visitors are required to wear face masks in this unit.

Critical Care Units (ICU)

  • Two visitors are allowed per patient at one time. Additional visitors may be allowed for extenuating circumstances.
  • Other limitations may be in place depending upon the patient’s condition. Please check with the nurses on the unit for up-to-date information.
  • Visitors are encouraged to check at the Nurses' Station before entering a patient's room. Children under the age of 12 are encouraged not to visit. However, the Critical Care staff will work with the family if there are unusual circumstances. Food and beverages are not permitted.
  • Visitors are required to wear face masks in this unit.


  • General Visitation: 8:30 am to 8:00 pm (as desired by patient)
  • Parents are able to visit any time.
  • Siblings may visit during regular visitor hours and remain with parents. Minor visitors are not allowed to spend the night.

After Hours

Between the hours of 9:00 pm and 5:00 am, visitors may enter through the East Entrance. Other hospital entrances are closed during that time.

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