More to Come in 2021
After completing extensive renovations and additions on its campus in 2020, McLaren Flint is poised to kick off 2021 projects that will continue to expand its ability to meet patients' needs.
“We want the aesthetics of McLaren Flint and our other campus buildings to match the excellent care patients receive from our clinical staff,” said Matt LeGault, chief operating officer for McLaren Flint. “We hope these renovations provide a welcoming environment for both patients and visitors.”
The project updates included two new catheterization labs, a separate prep recovery area, all new flooring, paint and artwork hung throughout, from the north building to the south, and a shared waiting area for Heart and Vascular and Radiology services.
New technology included a $1 million investment in a Mac-Lab System, which provides enhanced interoperability and has remote workstations for data management and documentation.
In late summer 2020, an entire new main floor lobby and corridor were finished. Renovations included new flooring, paint, artwork, signage and visitor restroom upgrades.
Meanwhile, the McLaren Flint Foundation is funding remodeling of the hospital chapel on the main floor behind the lobby, work that will take place in the first quarter of 2021.
“The renovations to the chapel are being made possible through support from our volunteers in the McLaren Flint Auxiliary who made a generous contribution, along with the hundreds of employees who participated in the ‘A Little Change Makes A Big Difference’ campaign during 2015 and 2016,” said Doug Glazier, vice president of the McLaren Flint Foundation.
“A portion of those funds were set aside to assist with future renovations of this important area, and we are getting ready for those now. We are finalizing the design elements and will soon begin construction to transition the chapel to create a brand-new reflection room for all individuals to use as a place of prayer and quiet respite.”
Furthermore, McLaren Flint has several other new projects in the works for 2021. The upgrades include:
- Renovation of ten patient rooms on the Labor, Delivery, Recovery, and Postpartum floor (LDRP), along with new flooring, and artwork in the waiting room and hallways. A new entrance to the unit has already been completed.
- The ER will receive all new flooring and paint, as well as brand new furniture and upgraded restrooms.
- New flooring will be implemented from 3 North to 3 Central and the surgical waiting room will be completely renovated.
- A Hospice Suite is being created on 11 South for those receiving end-of-life-care.
- The hospital’s visitor parking ramp elevators will be replaced, and upgrades will also be made at Beech Hill Centre, which offers services for bariatric, wound care and sleep lab patients.