Author: Matthew Bueby
McLaren Flint is pleased to announce June’s Outstanding Employee of the month, Carrie Morris, Environmental Services Housekeeper from 8 South. Morris was presented the honor by hospital leadership on June 20, 2022.

“I am blessed to work with such a great group of coworkers on 8 south,” said Morris. “We really do represent "Teamwork” and it means a lot to me that the EVS department doesn't go unnoticed. It's important that the work we do has an impact. I take pride in making sure my unit is clean and sanitized, and I love having the interaction with the patients. I really enjoy my job, and I am very honored to receive this award.”
8 South manager Tera Knoll stated, “Carrie exemplifies what a McLaren employee should be. Each and every day Carrie comes to work with a bright smile and a positive attitude. She goes out of her way to do even the smallest things for staff and is always going above and beyond for a patient. She is always so kind, and her patients look forward to seeing her. When Carrie is here, she is working. Her impact on the cleanliness of our unit is more than obvious. Her positive attitude is infectious. Her job is critical to the success of our patients, and we would like her to know that. We think it important to remind ancillary staff just how vital and appreciated they are.”
The Outstanding Employee of the Month candidates are nominated by managers, directors, and McLaren Flint’s executive leadership team. Criteria for nomination are based on the hospital’s mission and core values: contribution to culture and core values, teamwork, going the extra mile, outstanding patient service, performance excellence, and commitment.