Meet McLaren: Sleep and Alertness Center The sleep center has been fully accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine for more than 20 years. Our staff consists of board-certified sleep physicians and registered polysomonographic technologists with many years of knowledge in the sleep field. Staff members regularly participate in national and international conferences and projects. Services focus on identifying common sleep disorders including, but not limited to: Obstructive sleep apnea Narcolepsy Periodic limb movements Restless leg syndrome Insomnia Pediatric sleep disorders Consultative services All physicians are welcome to order sleep studies for their patients, but we offer other options as well: Our physicians can conduct a comprehensive clinic interview and review of the patient’s sleep and medical history, symptoms, and sleep patterns prior to any sleep study to determine whether diagnostic sleep testing would be beneficial. To refer, find LN23 - MGL Sleep Center in Cerner, and choose “Sleep Study Evaluation.” You can also fill out a referral form at, or call (517) 975-3386. Click here to print the Sleep and Alertness Center Meet McLaren.