Patient and Visitor Information

As a patient of McLaren Lapeer Region, your care and satisfaction are our main concerns. The McLaren system includes 12 hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, imaging centers, an employed primary care physician network, commercial and Medicaid HMOs covering over 250,000 lives, home health care and hospice, durable medical equipment, retail pharmacy services, and a wholly-owned medical malpractice insurance company. Our team of health care professionals strives to deliver quality and personalized care, in partnership with you and your family. If there is anything you need during your stay, please speak with a member of your health care team.

McLaren Lapeer Region is a smoke-free facility. We ask that you use cellular phones in posted areas only.

While you may not be in the hospital under life-threatening circumstances, we encourage every patient and family to educate themselves about advance care planning. We encourage feedback on how we serve you and your family while you're in our care.

Visiting Hours and Guidelines

General Visiting Hours

10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
- Visitors must be 16 years or older or accompanied by a responsible adult at all times
- Please check with the nursing staff for any restrictions on patient gifts (e.g. flowers, food).
- Latex balloons are not allowed.
- All patients in Isolation for illnesses such as COVID-19, influenza, pertussis, or meningitis are limited to two visitors per day, and must wear a mask while in the room.

Telemetry, Progressive Care, Orthopedic Units

- Telemetry 2, Telemetry 3, Progressive Care Unit, Ortho: Two healthy visitors

Emergency Department

- Emergency Department: Two healthy visitors

Critical Care Units (ICU)

- Hours: 10 am-1 p.m. and 5 p.m.-8 p.m.
- Two healthy adult visitors are welcome, masks are required to be worn in this department.

Surgical and Procedural

- Surgical and Procedural: Two healthy visitors before and after surgery.
- Outpatient Procedures (Including Lab and Imaging): Two healthy visitors.

Labor and Delivery

- Labor and Delivery: Two healthy visitors may remain with the laboring mother. Two healthy support people may visit following delivery.

Behavioral Health Unit (BHU)

- Two healthy adult visitors allowed during BHU-specific designated days and times.

Transitional Care Unit (TCU)

- Residents may receive visitors anytime without appointments.
- It is recommended that visitors limit themselves to 1-3 people at a time and avoid visiting at mealtimes, scheduled therapy times and during sleep hours.
- Masks are still required to be worn.

Visitor Guidelines

- Visitors must be 16 years or older or accompanied by a responsible adult at all times
- Please check with the nursing staff for any restrictions on patient gifts (e.g. flowers, food).
- Latex balloons are not allowed.
- All patients in Isolation for illnesses such as COVID-19, influenza, pertussis, or meningitis are limited to two visitors per day, and must wear a mask while in the room.


McLaren Lapeer Region provides families the basic amenities listed below and more.

  • Coffee Bar
  • WiFi
  • ATM
  • Gift Shop
  • Reflection Room
  • Lounges and Waiting Areas
  • Hearing Impaired and Interpreter
  • TV
  • Telephones
  • Hourly Rounding
  • Mail (Delivery and Forwarding)
  • Lost and Found


The Stone River Café is located on the ground floor of the hospital.

Breakfast: 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. - Grab and Go
Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. - Hot Food
Dinner: Closed - No dinner service at this time. No weekend service at this time

Feedback and Recognition

Patient Satisfaction

You may be contacted by Press Ganey to complete a survey. Press Ganey a vendor we use to collect data for HCAHPS. The Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey is backed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The survey is used to improve the quality of healthcare. HCAHPS makes survey results public so hospitals are aware of where changes are needed. The results also enable healthcare consumers to review and compare hospitals before choosing a healthcare provider. Please contact the Quality Manager at (810) 667-5599. If you are not satisfied with the response, you may submit a letter with the following information:

  • Complainant’s name, address, and telephone number
  • Facility name and location
  • Patient name and location
  • Nature of complaint
  • Date of incident

Send written complaints to:

Michigan Department of Community Health
Bureau of Health Systems Complaint Investigation
Unit P.O. Box 30664
Lansing, MI 48909
FAX: (517) 241-0093

Frequent Phone Number Directory

Need to call McLaren Lapeer Region?

McLaren is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your medical information and offers multiple ways to access your medical records.

A complete inpatient, outpatient surgery, or emergency record is securely kept in the Medical Records Department. You have the right to access this information, and McLaren ensures its confidentiality according to HIPAA Federal laws.

Obtain your records electronically via our patient portal, or request physical copies through mail, fax, or in-person at your McLaren/Karmanos facility.