Genetic Counseling

A family history of cancer can increase your own risk for developing the disease. Though we don’t always know what causes cancer, at least 10 percent of cancer cases run in families (i.e., are hereditary). In hereditary cancer, an increased risk of developing certain cancers is passed down in families through their genes.

The Cancer Genetic Counseling Service at the Karmanos Cancer Center uses your personal and family history to determine the likelihood that the cancer in your family may be hereditary, and provides information about genetic testing options. Knowing if you have an inherited risk of cancer allows you to be proactive about your health through increased cancer surveillance, risk reducing strategies, the use of certain medications, as well as enrollment in clinical trials. Furthermore, this information can be utilized to determine who else in the family is at risk of hereditary cancer for whom genetic testing would be recommended.

During the discussion of genetic testing options, the cost, insurance coverage, and the risks and benefits are reviewed, so that you can make the choice that is right for you. Implications for the family are also reviewed.

We offer genetic counseling services in-person and virtually (telephone or video) at many of our locations. If you are a patient who wishes to receive genetic counseling services but is receiving treatment at a different location than what is listed below, please talk with your physician about your options.

  • Karmanos Cancer Center - Detroit – In person or virtual
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute Weisberg Cancer Center (Farmington Hills) – In person or virtual
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Port Huron – Virtual only
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Macomb – Virtual only
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Bay – Virtual only
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Flint – Virtual only
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing – Video appointment on-site at hospital
  • Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Northern - Video appointment on-site at hospital


Should you consider genetic counseling?

The Cancer Genetic Counseling Service is helpful to anyone who has anxiety and/or concern about their risk of cancer. This service is particularly useful if you have any of the following:

  • Several relatives with cancer (excluding certain cancers such as lung cancer in a smoker, or cervical cancer).
  • A personal or family history of a rare cancer (e.g., ovarian, pancreatic, male breast, metastatic prostate, triple negative breast, medullary thyroid).
  • More than one type of cancer in the same individual.
  • A personal or family history of cancer under the age of 50.
  • A personal history of 10 or more colon polyps.
  • A relative who has tested positive for a genetic mutation related to cancer risk.

What can you expect during an appointment?

  • Complete evaluation of your medical and family history by a genetic counselor who specializes in cancer genetics.
  • An estimation of your chance to develop specific cancers based on your family history and other risk factors.
  • An estimated chance that cancer might be passed along through the genes in your family.
  • Discussion of genetic testing options. If you pursue testing, results are shared with you during a telephone disclosure.
  • Information about ways to lower your risk of getting cancer and ways to find it early when it is most easily treated.

What difference can cancer genetic counseling make?

An evaluation with the Cancer Genetic Counseling Service could save your life. The information obtained during your appointments will help by informing you of your own cancer risk and ways to reduce this risk. It will also allow your doctor to develop a management program unique to you.

Finally, this information will help your family members who may be at an increased risk of developing certain cancers and might benefit from frequent cancer screening. Family members who may not be at an increased risk of developing cancer and may not need unnecessary cancer screening will also benefit from these services.

For More Information

  • Contact us at 1-800-KARMANOS (1-800-527-6266) for additional information or to schedule an appointment
  • Read the FAQs
  • Resources

Genetic Newsletters

The Karmanos Genetic Counseling Department releases a newsletter as a means to communicate with our patients about key advances in the field of cancer genetics. The newsletter is currently on hiatus. Please see below for past editions.

Find Genetic Counseling Near You

Genetic Counseling Team

Boris C. Pasche, M.D., Ph.D., FACP

Medical Director

Nancie Petrucelli, MS, LCGC

Director and Licensed Senior Genetic Counselor

Courtney Kokenakes, MS, LCGC

Licensed Lead Genetic Counselor

Kristian Wilks, MS, LCGC

Licensed Genetic Counselor

Ashley Cosenza, MS, LCGC

Licensed Genetic Counselor

Wanda Sheard

Administrative Assistant

Jenna Jajjo

Genetic Counseling Assistant


Genetic Counseling Fund

Your support of the Karmanos Cancer Genetic Counseling Service helps us provide the resources needed for people to learn about the impact their personal and family histories have on their chance of developing cancer, as well as the risk to other family members. It can also help people understand their options for prevention, early detection and treatment.

Please consider making a donation to the Cancer Genetic Counseling Service today!

Genetic Resources

General Cancer Resources

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)

Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndromes

Hereditary Skin Cancer Syndromes

Rare Hereditary Cancer Syndromes

Genetic Discrimination