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Welcome To The Helen M. Nickless Volunteer Clinic

A team of Licensed professional Caregivers and other volunteers are donating their time tonight to provide your care. While we accept patients from all Michigan counties, we are located in Bay County.

Information You Need

The space used for our clinic is available to us ONLY on Wed. evenings starting at 4:00 P.M. All other times the area is home to the Family Health and Wellness Center (FHWC). The FHWC staff is unable to assist you, as they are not connected to the Volunteer Clinic. If you need assistance between visits please call the clinic line at (989) 895-4830. Leave a message and an employee will contact you within 3-4 days.

If you have an emergency medical problem please seek care at the Emergency Department at McLaren. Eligibility for Clinic

  • Your income must be under 250% of the National Poverty level. An intake volunteer will explain this process to you.
  • You must have no health care insurance or only catastrophic insurance.
  • If you qualify for the Michigan Medicaid Plan you will be requested to apply for it. One of our volunteers will assist you with this.
  • You will be asked to go through the intake and income process once a year. This is necessary to assure that your information is updated. However, we ask that you inform us whenever you have personal changes such as address, phone number, employment, etc.

Primary Care

Once you have been established as our patient, we will provide all your primary care. We ask that you do not continue to seek care from your previous primary providers as this creates the possibility of duplicate care. If this is a problem for you, please discuss it with us.

We appreciate your cooperation in these matters. Your health is important to us and we will work with you to help you connect with the health resources you need. Thank you for coming to the Helen M. Nickless Volunteer Clinic.

About the Clinic

The Volunteer Clinic has been providing care to the uninsured at no cost since March 2004.  We serve those who are unable to afford medical care. Patients are seen every Wednesday evening and must sign in between 4:00 pm-6:30 pm. There are no appointments. Treatment is provided by local licensed physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioner and mental health counselors who volunteer their time, as well as nurses and non clinical staff. Community volunteers assist every Wednesday night in the clinic.

Services include exams, lab, x-ray, medical supplies and prescribed drugs. On clinic nights we also assist patients in signing up for insurance.

The clinic will provide limited diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who do not have health insurance and are unable to pay for health care.

Please note: At times, the patient volume is high. Know that the Clinic staff will stay and see all qualified patients who have signed in that evening.

Services offered:

The Helen M. Nickless Volunteer Clinic offers free primary medical care, including lab and X-ray, to patients of all ages. We will assist patients in obtaining medication prescribed through the clinic.

Who is eligible to use the Clinic’s free services:

  • People who do not have and do not qualify for health insurance.
  • Those who cannot afford medical care with income less than 250% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.
  • (Please note: Each patient’s financial status is reviewed. You will be asked to verify your income within 3 weeks of the first visit. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the practice.)

Who is not eligible to use the Clinic’s services:

  • Those who are covered by commercial insurance or eligible for Government Health Plans including County health plans, Medicaid, Medicare or Mi Child.
  • Those who qualify for Veteran’s medical.
  • Individuals who are intoxicated and/or abusive.
  • Those with work-related injuries involving workers’ compensation.
  • Patients who refuse to apply for government insurance or provide proof of income upon the Clinic's request.

We are sorry, but the Clinic is unable to perform or provide the following:

  • Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing
  • HIV Testing or Counseling
  • Birth Control Services
  • Pregnancy Testing
  • Pre-or-Postnatal care
  • Drug Testing
  • Routine Immunizations
  • TB Skin Testing
  • Hearing Aids
  • Controlled Drugs/Narcotics
  • Substance Abuse Services
  • Second opinions

While the Volunteer Clinic is unable to provide these services, someone is available to assist in referrals for these services.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Do I need an appointment?
Answer: No. this is a walk-in clinic; patients are asked to take a number upon entering the Clinic. The Clinic space is not available to us until 4 p.m. so patients may not enter the building before 4:00 p.m.

Question: What do I need to bring to my first visit?
Answer: Please bring a list of current medications, plus any other pertinent medical information. Those under 18 years of age will need parental permission to be treated.

Question: Will this cost me anything?
Answer: No. All care provided in the clinic is free to those who meet the eligibility requirements as listed.

Question: What if I need follow-up care?
Answer: The Volunteer Clinic provides ongoing primary care. Limited specialty referrals may be available. Howe


The Helen M. Nickless Volunteer Clinic is an access point for meeting the primary health care needs of the economically disadvantaged residents in the Bay area. We serve with deep compassion and respect those who fall through the medical safety net and help them connect with basic health resources by offering education, prevention, and treatment.

Helen M. Nickless Volunteer Clinic -  Information
Patient Welcome Letter


Volunteer Information

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