Therapy and Treatment for Lymphedema

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema (also known as lymphatic obstruction) is an accumulation of fluids that occurs when your lymphatic system is impaired. Lymphatic vessels, which assist in fluid discharge, can become impaired as a result of the removal of lymph nodes, from chemotherapy, or from radiation treatments. When breast cancer related lymphedema occurs, there is a swelling or change in tissue texture occurring in the arm and upper torso.

Treatment Options:

  • Manual Lymph Drainage: A manual technique is performed to open lymphatic pathways and move fluid to areas where it can be reabsorbed into the system
  • Multi-Layer Bandaging: Short stretch compression bandages are used to create a gradient of pressure to move fluid and decrease swelling
  • Patient Education: Regarding skin care, precautions and prevention
  • Therapeutic Exercises: Exercises specific to the needs of each individual patient
  • Facilitate referral for appropriate compression garment
lymphedma rehab

Goals of our Program:

  • Reduce the size of limb
  • Decrease the risk for infection or hospitalization
  • Self management of lymphedema
  • Improve function and mobility of the limb
  • Decrease pain associated with excessive limb size

Relative Contraindications:

  • You may not be a candidate for lymphedema treatment if you have any of the following:
  • Acute viral/bacterial infection
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Kidney malfunction
  • Untreated malignancy