Mako Total Hip Procedure

Mako Total Hip is a procedure known as total hip replacement that is supported by robotic-arm assisted technology. This innovative solution was designed for patients who suffer from non-inflammatory or inflammatory degenerative joint disease. The robot enables surgeons to achieve a new level of precision using the latest techniques in total hip replacement and is designed to restore patient mobility and active lifestyle.

Robotic-arm assisted technology provides your surgeon a patient-specific 3-D model to pre-plan your hip replacement. During the procedure, tactile, visual, auditory feedback, and real-time data assists your surgeon in preparing the hip joint and placing the implants in the desired orientation with more accuracy.

If your surgeon determines that you are a good candidate for the Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery, he or she will schedule a computed tomography (CT) scan of your hip one or two weeks prior to your surgery date. This is used to create your unique surgical plan for optimal implant placement.

Am I a Candidate? - Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted Hip Replacement

If your symptoms aren't responding to non-surgical solutions, or your pain can no longer be controlled by medication, you may be a candidate for Mako Total Hip Arthroplasty, a procedure also known as total hip replacement. Only your surgeon can determine if Mako Total Hip Replacement is right for you.

A Mako Total Hip Replacement candidate may experience the following:

  • Pain while putting weight on the affected hip
  • Limping to lessen the weight-bearing pressure on the affected hip
  • Pain that may radiate to the groin, lower back, or down the thigh to the knee
  • Hip pain or stiffness during walking or other impact activities
  • Failure to respond to non-surgical treatments or nomsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication

Mako Total Hip may:

  • Facilitate optimal implant placement
  • Enhance stability and mobility
  • Restore an active lifestyle

Mako Robotic Arm-Assisted Surgery is typically covered by Medicare insurers-check with your private health insurers.

Robotic Surgery
Mako Total Hip Replacement Is Offered At: