Ahead of Certified Nurses Day on May 19, 2025, Karmanos Cancer Institute held a surprise ceremony to recognize a department that’s making strides in oncology care. A group of Karmanos leaders and the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC) presented the Intravenous Drug Therapy (IVDT) team in Detroit with a plaque for the outstanding work they do on Thursday, May 13. The ONCC also specifically wanted to recognize this team because over over 50% of the nurses are oncology certified nurses (ONC), something they deserve to be proud of.
“Having so many nurses certified in our department speaks highly of us,” said Agnes Kiluk, RN, OCN, IVDT clinical lead nurse. “We encourage every nurse that comes through the door to become certified.”
At Karmanos, this statement is true. RNs are encouraged to take training through the ONCC to become OCNs, but the certification is voluntary. Being certified in oncology helps give patients peace of mind that they are being cared for by a nurse who has specialized knowledge, experience, and training in cancer care.
Not every nurse is eligible to get certified. Applicants must have two years of experience as an RN, have at least 2,000 hours practicing in adult oncology, meet specific educational requirements, and become a member of the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS). Before taking the exam, the ONCC suggests applicants review the test content, take a practice test, and begin studying based on their practice results.
There are benefits for RNs who become OCNs. The fee for the exam is covered by Karmanos and they are eligible for a pay increase.
In celebration of National Certified Nurses Day, Karmanos thanks all nurses for their commitment to our patients.