Birthing Center Triage Unit

If an expectant mother is experiencing labor concerns, she can find answers and reassurance in the Triage Unit of the Family Birthing Center.

Here, the expertly trained staff is available to assist any woman who is at least 20 weeks pregnant. The staff can provide a thorough evaluation to help rule out early labor or to assess any potential complications.

The triage team can also provide routine antenatal testing as directed by a physician. This type of testing is generally provided for moms over age 35.

Symptoms that are often evaluated in the Triage Unit include:

  • Early contractions
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vaginal bleeding or leakage of fluid
  • Temperature greater than 100.4 degrees
  • Problems from a fall or accident
  • Back pain
  • Concerns due to a history of pre-term delivery