Take a Moment to Honor Your Caregiver

Thank you for choosing Marwood Nursing & Rehab for your health care needs. Our residents and their families often tell us it is difficult to express the gratitude they feel for the caregivers who relieved their pain, listened to their needs and made them comfortable. While no thanks are necessary, a gift to Marwood Nursing & Rehab is a meaningful way to thank your therapist, nurse, nurse aide or other staff member to honor the work they do.

Who was your guardian angel image

Giving Back

Residents and families have an opportunity to make a donation in honor of a Marwood Nursing & Rehab employee who made a difference in their visit or stay. For each recognition, the employee will receive a Guardian Angel pin symbolizing your appreciation and the donation will be used to help fund programs and services offered at Marwood to improve our resident’s quality of life.

When you make a donation, the caregiver will be informed of your thoughtful gift and will receive a Guardian Angel pin, symbolizing your appreciation.