Health Equity: Gender Affirming Care

LGBTQ+ Resources for Healthcare Providers

At McLaren Physician Partners we strive for health equity in our population health programs. Many payers such as BCBSM include health equity in their required programs. For example, the BCBSM capability 5.16 requires training and inclusive practice for the LGBTQ+ population.

This tool kit, while not an exhaustive list, is meant to help practices implement LGBTQ+ Inclusive practices and processes.

LGBTQ+ Concepts & Common Terms

Optum Health Education - Health Equity

OutCare Health - LGBTQ+ 101

LGBTQIA Health Education - Foundations of LGBTQIA Health

LGBTQIA Health Education - Sexual and Gender Minority Terms and Concepts

OutCare Health Education - The National LGBTQ+ Curriculum

Resources - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health | CDC

About LGBTQ+ Health - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health | CDC

LGBTQ+ Health Services | CDC

LGBTQ+ Health Disparities

Cultural Competence Webinar Series -  Part 1

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Sexual and Gender Minority Health Equities

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Health Disparities Among Sexual Minority People 2020

Implicit Bias and How it Affects Care for LGBTQ+ People

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Implicit Bias and Power Imbalances

Patient-Centered Care for Health Providers - HIV | CDC

LGBTQ+ People Talk About Their Experiences Accessing Health Care - YouTube 

Effective and Affirming Communication

My Diverse Patients - LGBT Home

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Effective and Affirming Communication 

Creating a Welcoming Environment

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Foundations of LGBTQIA Health for Clinicians

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Foundations of LGBTQIA Health for Non-Clinical Staff

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Foundations of LGBTQIA Health for Administrators

National LGBT Cancer Network - Welcoming Spaces

Cultural Competence Webinar Series -  Part 2

SOGI Data Collection, Confidentiality, and Privacy

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data

Optum Health Education - Health Equity LGBTQ

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Ready Set Go Guide for Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Update

Collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Information For Health Care Providers 

Unique Health Needs/Considerations of LGBTQ+ People (including differences in sub-populations)

LGBTQIA Health Education Publication - Affirming Primary Care for Intersex People

LGBT Aging Center Education

LGBTQ+ People with Disabilities -  RespectAbility 

LGBTQ+ Mental Health

OutCare Health Courses - The LGBTQ Mental Health Training

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Mental Health for LGBTQIA People 

Social Determinants of Health and Community Resources for LGBTQ+ People

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Social Detriments of Health for LGBTQIA People Part 1

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Social Detriments of Health for LGBTQIA People Part 2

Caring for Transgender Patients

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Primary Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients

Prevention UCSF -  Transhealth Training

Cultural Competence Webinar Series - Part 3

LGBTQIA Health Education Course - Trans Pediatric Care Toolkit

Fenway Health Medical Care of Trans and Gender Diverse Adults