MMP Compliance Program and Reporting

MMP Compliance Program

They key objective of the MMP Compliance Program (424KB PDF) is to develop and implement a corporate compliance program on an ongoing basis to enable MMP to operate it's business in compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations and avoid wrongdoing, whether by mistake, through inadvertence, or intentional.

MMP employees and independent contractors have an obligation to become familiar with the MMP Compliance Program and to certify that they have read and understand the MMP Code of Conduct (82KB PDF) and the MMP Compliance Program. Any such employee or contractor who does not understand any provision of the MMP Code of Conduct or the MMP Compliance Program shall seek clarification from the MMP compliance Officer about such provision.

MMP Compliance Reporting

MMP Employees and patients should report any activity that is believed to be inconsistent with MMP's policies or legal requirements regarding billing and / or other regulatory issues. Your detailed report will be forwarded to MMP's Compliance Officer and Human Resources Manager with full confidentiality of content, and if you do not provide your name, anonymity. Please complete the MMP Compliance Issue Reporting Form to submit your report.

Compliance Reporting Form

*Indicates required information