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Grateful Wall McLaren Northern Michigan
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McLaren Health Care - Hospitals in Michigan
McLaren Northern Michigan
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Grateful Wall
Results 1 - 10 of 62
Lasting bond and exceptional care through genetic counseling leads to rekindled friendship decades later
Patient sends children to the same genetic counselor over 20 years later because of exceptional care
Jennifer Woods, MSN, Chief Nursing Officer
"In honor and deep appreciation of your consistent leadership and support of excellence in nursing care. You are an inspiration and role model for others."
Brita Cowell, RN
"I just spent a couple of days in McLaren Northern Michigan for some issues with my heart and one nurse comes to mind for going out of her way to help take care of me. Her name was Brita on the ni...
Jodi Wade, BSN
"This young woman is our guardian angel."
Shelbi Sunday, PCT and Sam Grimes, PCT
"These two nurses assistants were very nice and friendly to me and helped me out whenever I needed anything and very good at their job, thanks again."
All Nurses
"It been a while since I was in the hospital. Ken was in and out for a long time & passed away several years ago. The care we have gotten from the nurses at McLaren has always been outstanding...
COVID Unit Nurses
"I CANNOT thank the Nurses that were/are working the Covid unit. My husband was there for 17 days and the nurses were AMAZING at getting me answers on his condition. I called daily and the Nurses ...
Cheboygan Emergency Department Nurses
"Just wanted to give a shout out to all the nurses in the Cheboygan ER. They are an excellent group of people that take care of their patients as if they were family. They always uphold the motto ...
Karmanos Cancer Institute Nurses - McLaren Northern Michigan
"To all the Nurses at Karmanos Cancer Center. Thank you for your tireless care and work you do every day for the patients there. I do appreciate your sacrifice for each of us."
Janean Haggins-Dabney, MD - McLaren Northern Michigan - Thank You
"Dr. Dabney is an asset to the hospital during the night. She is always willing to discuss the care of the patients and willing to come see patients when it is warranted. Our patients throughout M...
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