McLaren Oakland Health Care Blog

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  • Know your stroke risk factors and start addressing them to lower your chances now. When determining one’s risk for stroke, there are many factors that physicians will consider. There are two kinds of stroke, both equally serious. An ischemic stroke is caused by a blood clot blocking the flow of blood in the brain. And a hemorrhagic stroke results from a break or bleed in a blood vessel in the brain. Some risk factors are pre-determined with the patient not able to do anything about them, such as gender,...

  • A large study concludes that a full night’s sleep can contribute to good heart health. Anyone who rises out of bed in the morning and doesn’t walk to the kitchen – still half asleep – to groggily wait for their first strong cup of coffee can attest to the importance and positive effect a solid night’s sleep can have. Now, though, researchers have confirmed the impact and extent it can have on one’s health. Researchers at Tulane University in New Orleans analyzed data collected from more than 400,000 men...

  • The end of the summer is a great time to self-check for signs of skin cancer. There was plenty of sun over this Michigan summer. Spending time in that sun exposes everyone — and their skin — to a potentially harmful amount of UV (ultraviolet) rays. Even though skin may be layered with sunscreen, there’s still a chance for skin damage. Self-exams Knowing the signs and symptoms of skin cancer is critical to catching the disease early and receiving treatment while it’s in its earliest stage. When performin...

  • ‘We had to rethink the way we provide care.’ The COVID-19 pandemic and the staffing challenges across nearly every sector of the economy has brought enormous change to every industry and prompted organizations to fundamentally change how they provide services. Some of the more innovative changes can be found in health care, especially in how hospitals deliver emergency care. One major trend patients have noticed is that emergency care is being delivered in many locations, settings and by different types...

  • Trauma surgeon led the hospital’s response to the Oxford High School tragedy. Surgeon Dr. Jason Pasley, who services as the trauma medical director at McLaren Oakland, was on-call on Nov. 30 and responded at a moment’s notice when the Pontiac-based hospital’s trauma center received patients from the tragic Oxford High School shooting. Having gained experienced as an Air Force surgeon deployed to Afghanistan, Dr. Pasley pulled from his wartime training to lead the team at McLaren Oakland and effectively ...

  • Know the latest information about the virus the WHO calls “a concern.” The first ever case of monkeypox was reported in 1970, and the virus had previously grabbed headlines prior to 2022 and this current worldwide outbreak. Classified as a poxvirus (a virus characterized as causing skin lesions and rashes), monkeypox outbreaks are occurring throughout the world, prompting the World Health Organization director to be “concerned” about the current outbreak, specifically its “scale and spread.” Highly cont...

  • Some may not be willing to discuss their mental health. Look for these signs. While the prevalence of mental health needs are on the rise, one welcomed consequence has been the open and nurturing atmosphere many people find themselves in in which to share their feelings. There are others, though, who may still choose to keep their thoughts and concerns to themselves. Or their condition may be severe to the point that they’re not aware of their symptoms. No matter the patient, though, everyone can benefi...

  • 80 percent of strokes are preventable. There are more than 795,000 strokes every year in the United States, and 1 out of every 4 is preventable. And with a stroke responsible for 150,005 annual deaths in the country, that means up to 120,004 deaths every year have the potential to be avoided. How, though, can it be avoided? By knowing and addressing stroke risk factors. Know your risk factors High blood pressure High cholesterol History of heart disease Diabetes Obesity Smoking and excessive alcohol use...

  • May is National Stroke Awareness Month. Several facts and figures demonstrate the prevalence of stroke. Often referred to as a “heart attack of the brain,” strokes are the fifth leading cause of death and the leading cause of long-term disability in adults. A very serious medical emergency, strokes occur when blood flow in the brain is interrupted — either through a blockage or burst vessel — depriving it of oxygen, rapidly killing brain cells. Potentially life-threatening, the prevalence of stroke is o...

  • Choosing a trauma center with even a “minor” injury benefits all ages. Not all hospital and free-standing emergency departments are created equal. Patients with injuries — ranging from the “major” catastrophic broken bones to seemingly everyday sprains, strains and twists that cause a prolonged limp — will benefit in the long run from an evaluation and treatment in a trauma center. What is a trauma center? A trauma center is a designation obtained by an emergency department that is specially staffed, tr...