McLaren Bay Medical Foundation

History of McLaren Bay Medical Foundation

McLaren Bay Region and its predecessors have been bringing high-quality medical care to the people of Bay County and the surrounding region since the late 1800s. More than 100 years later, McLaren Bay Region remains mid-Michigan’s leading and most respected health care provider.

McLaren Bay Medical Foundation was organized in 1979 as a 501(c)3 organization for donors to support ongoing health needs for our community. It is governed by a Board of Trustees made up of dedicated volunteers from throughout the community.

Lynn Weaver

We Are YOUR Local Foundation

We exist to help people like you in your desire to support your local community. We are committed to raising funds and supporting McLaren Bay Region and McLaren Bay Special Care in their mission of improving the health of the communities they serve.

Together, we can ensure consistently excellent and accessible health services are provided to all, regardless of status or ability to pay.

Lynn Weaver

What We Do

  • We are proud to share and promote the good work McLaren staff provides to our community members.
  • We build and maintain relationships with donors like you.
  • We help people and businesses identify which hospital needs fit their giving priorities.
  • We recognize donors for their generous gifts in the way they wish.

Looking to the Future

McLaren Bay Region and its Foundation are continually looking ahead to anticipate future needs and develop model programs to benefit community members.

The generosity of donors has allowed us to strengthen our medical programs and staff, upgrade our facilities and acquire new state-of-the-art equipment to keep pace with advances in medicine, while maintaining the McLaren Bay Region’s proud hallmark of personalized care.

Meet Our Staff

Lynn Weaver
Vice President, Philanthropy

[email protected]
(989) 895-4728

Carrie Schultz
Philanthropy Officer, Planned Giving/Major Gifts

[email protected]
(989) 895-4725

Board of Trustees

Fran Santoro
Community Volunteer
Bill Woolwine
Vice Chair
Serenus Johnson Construction
Joah Rappuhn
Weinlander Fitzhugh
Guy C. Moulthrop
Moulthrop-Clift, Inc.
Ashley Anderson
Community Volunteer
Marcie Klida Blossom
Allsopp, Wackerly & Blossom
Sarah Dandamudi
Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy
Judith Gillette
Community Volunteer
Pamela Monastiere
Community Volunteer
Lee Newton, O.D.
Newton Eyecare Center
Dr. Elizabeth (Libby) Pionk
Medical Director of Hospitalist Services, McLaren Bay Region Hospitalist
Bennett Ruby
Community Volunteer
Tracy Teich
Community Volunteer
Rich Travis
Community Volunteer


Lynn Weaver
McLaren Bay Medical Foundation, Vice President - Philanthropy


Planned Giving Committee – Coordinates the planned giving or estate-planning activities designed to encourage donors to remember the Foundation in their wills, or through bequests, trusts, annuities, property, insurance gifts, etc. This committee meets quarterly.

Finance Committee – Monitors financial and investment activities to determine compliance with established Foundation policies and procedures. This committee meets quarterly.

Grants Committee – Monitors the availability of funds, accepts requests, and makes recommendations to the Board for disbursement of funds. This committee meets quarterly.

Donor and Prospect Development Committee – Engages donors through donor appreciation, cultivation, and recognition activities for retention and increased giving. Educates the community for increasing awareness of the MBMF mission and identifies prospective donors. This committee meets quarterly or as needed.

Nominating and Governance Committee – Nominates potential Foundation Board members to the McLaren Bay Medical Foundation Board. Recommends and presents a slate of Officers at the annual Foundation Board Meeting. Reviews Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Policies, and Roles and Responsibilities related to the Foundation Board annually and makes recommendations to the McLaren Bay Medical Foundation Board. This standing committee meets quarterly.