IRB Electronic Submission

Accessing iRIS

Submit all new studies and subsequent submissions to the MHC IRB via iRIS.

Existing McLaren users, please use your McLaren credentials to log in to iRIS (user ID and password). When you log into iRIS for the first time, there may be a delay before you can fully use iRIS. After you log in for the first time, the System Administrator will have to manually set your role and department.

Technical Support

The iRIS technical support helpdesk can be reached at [email protected]. Please use this email when you have questions regarding any technical issues with your applications. Non-technical iRIS application issue questions should continue to be sent to [email protected].

When a user contacts the Research Informatics helpdesk reporting an error or technical problem, the staff will make a good-faith effort to understand the issue and provide a resolution. When the helpdesk staff receives an advanced question or is unable to resolve an issue, the question/issue may need to escalate to iMedRIS Support Services.

Training Resources

To view or print detailed descriptions and guided screenshots, please review the PDF quick guides below. For a view of whole-system functionality and beginner navigation, please review the training video.

Quick Guides

2 pg
7 pg
7 pg

Accessing and Logging into iRIS
Navigating the Study Assistant Workspace (iRIS Home Screen)
Create a New Submission Part I: Department, KSP, Application Type
Create a New Submission Part II: Review Packet, Attachments, Routing
11 pg
Completing Outstanding Tasks & Responding to Stipulations
Modifications, Continuing Reviews, UPIRSO, Violation/Exception, & Final Report Forms
12 pg

iRIS Learning Labs

Group or individual classes are available upon request. Contact the Research Integrity Office via email at [email protected].

Archived Webinars

Frequently Asked Questions