p>If you are interested and seem to fit the study requirements, the research team will explain the research to you and give you a consent form to read. Then they will go over the consent form with you, describing what happens during the research study, the possible side effects, and other information you need to know.
The research team will give you time to ask questions. You should ask as many questions as you want. For example:
- What will happen to me in the research?
- Are there any risks to me if I participate?
- Will the research help me personally?
- What are my other options if I do not want to participate?
- Can I leave the study at any time?
- Will it cost me to participate in the research?
You usually don't need to decide right away. You can take the consent form home and read it over. You may also want to discuss the research with friends, family, and your own doctor.
The decision whether to take part is a completely voluntary decision that can only be made by you. If you decide not to take part in the research,your decision will not affect the care you receive at McLaren Healthcare Corporation facilities.
If you have questions or concerns you may speak with the investigator, research study team or you may contact the McLaren Healthcare Corporation Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 248-484-4950or email at [email protected]