The Gifts of Giving Back

Author: Leslie Toldo

Tucked just inside McLaren Flint’s main entrance is the hospital’s Special Things Gift Shop.  From necessities like personal care items to luxuries like clothing and handbags, the gift shop offers a little something for everyone.

“You never know what you’ll find,” said Auxiliary volunteer Phyllis Hill.

Phyllis does the gift shop books and orders all the merchandise, but she says she’s technically not the manager.

“I was the manager, but that is a paid position, and I didn’t want to be paid for my work,” Phyllis said.

So, Phyllis, and a few other Auxiliary members, volunteers in the boutique, working tirelessly to make sure it is well stocked for McLaren Flint’s visitors and staff.

“I like picking out the merchandise,” Phyllis said. “I try to get the best deals for our customers and to find the kind of things hospital visitors are looking for. I have also gotten to know the employees and what they like. “

That is not why Phyllis has been a volunteer at McLaren since 2008, however.  Her motivation comes from a much deeper place.

“My husband had already passed when I retired from the Postal Service. Then, I cared for my mother, who was battling Alzheimer’s,” Phyllis said. “I came to McLaren Flint to be with people and be of service.”

When her volunteer career began, she landed in the gift shop, and it turned out to be a perfect fit for Phyllis.

“I like being with people. Having been a postmaster, I was always dealing with people. It’s just nice to engage with them,” Phyllis says.  

The boutique is not the only volunteering opportunity at McLaren Flint. Auxiliary members play a number of roles, including working with patients at Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Flint, to sewing blankets and other items for patients, and helping with events.

“The auxiliary is a good way to help. There is always someone who needs it,” Phyllis said. “You also make a lot of friends doing it. “

The McLaren Flint Auxiliary has volunteering opportunities available. To learn more about the Auxiliary, click here .

The Special Things Gift Shop is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Stop by any time.