An Echocardiogram (or cardiac ultrasound) is an ultrasound of the heart used to measures blood flow through the heart, heart valve structure, and heart wall function.
Last October, Vickie Christ, 65, of Mt. Morris, was having trouble breathing, so she called her primary care doctor to prescribe an inhaler, as she thought it might just be very bad allergies. Once her doctor assessed her symptoms, and they seemed worse than just allergies, he suggested she go to the emergency room at McLaren Flint. “I was admitted at McLaren Flint, and they began doing every necessary test to find out why I was having trouble breathing,” said Vickie. “It was discovered that I had pneum...
Type 2 diabetes cases continue to rise, and heart disease is still the number one killer of both men and women. But what do they have to do with each other? “Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease,” said Dr. Hameem Changezi , an interventional cardiologist at McLaren Flint. “Amongst the alterations that occur within the body, there are cholesterol abnormalities that develop resulting in high "bad" cholesterol as well as triglycerides, which cause cholesterol deposition in arteries and block...
The average life expectancy for a man is around 75 years. However, every year thousands of men die much younger. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) latest data, heart disease is the number one cause of death among men, followed by cancer, unintentional injuries, COVID-19, and stroke. Heart disease has ranked as the number one cause of death for more than 100 years. It is responsible for one in every four men’s deaths. That added up to nearly 400 thousan...