Echocardiogram or Cardiac Stress Test with Echocardiogram

An Echocardiogram (or cardiac ultrasound) is an ultrasound of the heart. It measures blood flow through the heart and also enables physicians to view the heart valve structure and heart wall function. It is helpful in determining heart size and ventricular function. Echocardiography can also detect heart clots and damage after a heart attack. It is often used in conjunction with Doppler ultrasounds.

A Stress Echocardiogram consists of an Echocardiogram, which produces images of the heart including the heart valves before and after exercise. You will have an Echocardiogram and exercise, immediately followed by another Echocardiogram. This will evaluate your heart’s response to exercise and will demonstrate abnormalities in heart wall motion.

For pediatric patients, please bring your child tired and hungry. When you are called back to the echo lab, we will ask you to feed your baby. For toddlers and up, a light snack might be helpful if you deem appropriate. Please bring a pacifier, if used, and favorite blanket or toy of the child’s. Familiar things in an unfamiliar environment can make the baby more at ease.

Why have an Echocardiogram?

  • Size of the chambers
  • Dimension of each cavity
  • Thickness of the walls
  • Pumping power

Echocardiography is used to study the heart and surrounding structures and to detect life-threatening cardiovascular disorders. This information helps provide an accurate assessment of the heart's true functionality.

About the Procedure:

The patient lies on an exam table while a technologist moves a transducer over the chest and heart region. A small amount of gel is applied during this procedure. The patient will be asked to lay still, change positions or hold your breath.

Patients Can Expect:

  • The exam should take approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
  • These tests are painless and non-invasive.
  • Some prior preparation may be needed. Your doctor will inform you beforehand.

What to Bring:

  • Physician referral form
  • Current medical insurance card
  • Driver’s license or other government-issued identification
  • Wear comfortable clothing. (Avoid metal straps, buttons, zippers)

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