Pulmonary Rehabilitation

McLaren's Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is designed to assist individuals with pulmonary impairments to improve their quality of life. This means returning them to the highest possible functional capacity allowed by their particular cardio-respiratory impairment. Participation in all phases of Pulmonary Rehabilitation require a doctor's prescription.

This individually tailored, multidisciplinary program fosters independence through education, compassionate care, physical therapy, reconditioning exercises, group support and other innovative rehabilitation approaches. The program is designed to be visible, accessible and affordable to mid-Michigan residents.

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is primarily for individuals suffering from chronic lung disease or respiratory impairment due to other physical conditions. The program is designed to return him/her to their highest possible level of health.

With the help of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team, patients set goals for themselves and learn how to avoid situations, which can worsen their conditions. Patients also learn when it is appropriate to seek medical care for unexpected complications, while improving their overall heath and well being.


This includes an initial interview and assessment, exercise testing and education. A physician referral is required. Patient education is a vital component covering topics of exercise, hygiene, nutrition, medications, breathing techniques, anatomy and physiology, pulmonary hygiene, and social and emotional adjustment issues. Education is integrated into the individuals exercise routine.


Phase II is a comprehensive educational and exercise program designed for individuals living with chronic lung disease. The goals of Phase II is to help participants:

  • Improve physical fitness through prescribed, supervised sessions.
  • Learn more on lung disease
  • Manage their disease
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of their disease
  • Offer an environment to share their experiences with others who also have a similar background
  • Good nutritional goals

Respiratory Fitness

This is a maintenance phase, emphasizing independence and compliance with an exercise program. Once a patient plateaus in his/her Phase II exercise routine, they graduate to Phase II. Patients are given the option of remaining with the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program on a self-pay basis, or continuing with a home exercise program.

Phase III promotes a smooth transition to a more independent lifestyle. Group support is encouraged.


  • Do you suffer from lung disease, or other respiratory complications?
  • Are you often short of breath?
  • Do you lack the energy for daily living activities?
  • What do I need to do to change my habits and improve my health?
  • I'm not sure I can make these changes on my own. Where can I find a program tailored to my needs and pocketbook?

It's not uncommon for respiratory conditions like bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) to compromise your ability to carry out daily living activities.

Some exceptional answers can be found through:

McLaren Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab Locations



Pulmonary Hypertension Support Group

Conference Room 311
2900 Collins Rd.
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