Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to treat cancer. In external beam radiation therapy, sometimes called EBRT, special equipment is used to aim the radiation directly at cancerous tumors. Radiation therapy can also be delivered internally, called brachytherapy. Radiation therapy is sometimes called radiotherapy, X-ray therapy, XRT or irradiation.

Why is radiation therapy given to cancer patients?

  • To cure cancer
  • To keep the cancer from spreading
  • To slow the cancer's growth
  • To relieve symptoms that may be caused by the cancer
  • To ease pain due to cancer

How does radiation therapy work?

Cancer cells grow and divide rapidly. Radiation therapy kills fast-growing cells and keeps them from growing and dividing. The amount and intensity of radiation delivered to surrounding normal cells is minimized since treatment is directed to the desired area with much precision. Since surrounding cells always receive some radiation, side effects are possible and their level of severity depends on the area being treated and the intensity (dose) of the radiation treatment.

Karmanos' Radiation Oncology Team

  • Leaders in education and clinical training in radiation oncology
  • Actively involved in national efforts to assure safety and accuracy in radiotherapy delivery
  • Each group is certified by their respective governing body and are validated by external agencies

Types of Radiation Therapy

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