Advance Directives and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care

Making Health Care Decisions

As a competent adult, you have the right to accept or refuse any medical treatment.  "Competent" means you have the ability to understand your medical condition, weigh the possible benefits and risk of treatment and then decide if you want to accept treatment.  Only you can say "yes" or "no" to any treatment offered.  You can say "no" to treatment even if the treatment you refuse might keep you alive longer and even if others want you to have the treatment.

Someday, you may become too sick to make your own decisions about medical care.  If that happens, then decisions will need to be made for you.  If you have not given any instructions, no one will know what you would have wanted.

Following are answers to several commonly asked questions about Advance Directives and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, which we hope will help you to understand your rights.


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