Patients Rights and Responsibilities
McLaren Health Care wants you to be a partner in your hospital care. We believe the more you know and the more you participate and talk with your doctors and healthcare team, the more effective and satisfactory your hospital experience will be. The following statements of rights and responsibilities will help you understand what you can expect from us and, in turn, what your responsibilities are as a patient. If at any time you or your advocate need help understanding or upholding your rights and responsibilities, please talk with your doctor or nurse.
Assuring Access to Care
You have the right to receive considerate, respectful and medically necessary care
and to not be discriminated against for any reason. You have the right to speak
privately with anyone you choose. If you do not speak English or are hearing, vision
or speech impaired, an interpreter, signer or reader will assist you.
You are responsible for providing full and accurate information about past illnesses,
hospital stays, use of medications and other matters related to your health.
Understanding Your Care
You have the right to know the names and roles of everyone who cares for you.
You have the right to information about your diagnosis, treatment and possible
medical outcome. We encourage you to talk with your physician and healthcare
team aboutprocedures and treatments and their risks and benefits. Except in emergencies or life-threatening situations, you must sign a consent form for all major procedures, and you have the right to change your mind and withdraw that permission at any time before the procedure.
You are responsible for asking questions when you do not understand or are not
satisfied with the information or instructions given to you by your physician and
healthcare team.
Refusing Treatment
You have the right to refuse any treatment or medications, as permitted by law.
Our staff will help you understand the possible medical consequences of your
refusal, but we are not responsible for any resulting harm. You have the right
to be free from restraint unless it becomes necessary to protect your safety or
that of others. Physical restraints will be applied only by trained healthcare
professionals who will document the reason in your medical record and promptly
call your physician. Medications will be used for the same purpose only under a
physician’s order.
You are responsible for the consequences of your decisions if you refuse treatment
or do not follow the instructions of your physician or healthcare team.
Resolving Complaints
Each patient has the right to be informed of hospital policies and practices that
relate to patient care, treatment and responsibilities. Each patient has the right to
be informed of available resources for resolving complaints, conflicts and ethical
issues. Patients unable to protect themselves have the right to have access to
protective services, if appropriate.
You are responsible for telling your healthcare team when you are not satisfied
with the care or services provided, would like to discuss ethical issues related to
your healthcare, or when you have concerns about possible abuse or neglect in
your home."
Protecting Your Privacy and Confidentiality
You have the right to privacy, and your healthcare team will discuss tests and
treatments in such a way as to protect this right. Your medical records will be
confidential unless you give permission for their release or in cases of suspected
abuse or public health hazards when reporting is permitted or required by law.
All other uses of your health information are documented in the Notice of
Privacy Practices.
You are responsible for following hospital rules, following instructions in case of
emergency, and being considerate of and respecting the privacy and rights of other
patients and staff.
Planning Your Care
You have the right to expect your doctor to coordinate your care, with the help of
the hospital staff and other specialists as needed. You also have the right to be
involved in planning your care, your discharge, or any transfer or referral to another
care provider as recommended by your healthcare team. You have the right to
expect quick response to reports of pain.
You are responsible for reporting any changes in your condition or problems in
your treatment including your ability to care for yourself.
Deciding Your Future
You have the right to have an Advanced Directive, legal in the State of Michigan,
which is a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decision Making. This
document expresses your wishes and choices about your future care, and names an
advocate (someone who will make healthcare decisions for you if you are unable
to make your wishes known).
If you have a written Advanced Directive, you should give a copy to your advocate,
your family and your physician and bring a copy with you to the hospital. If you do
not have a written Advanced Directive, we encourage you to discuss your wishes
with your family and physician and complete one.
Understanding Billing and Payment
You have the right to a full explanation of your hospital bill and to information
about financial aid for healthcare. You are responsible for providing accurate and
timely information about methods of payment
If you feel that any of your rights as a patient have been denied, here is the information to file a complaint.