
McLaren Macomb Bright Ideas Submission Form

Is there an opportunity to make our processes more efficient?
Do you have the tools you need to do your job effectively?
Do you ever come across any opportunities to reduce waste?
Is there a better way to deliver safe, high quality and compassionate care?
McLaren Macomb is seeking YOUR Bright Ideas. Let us know how we can improve your ability to do your job in an effective manner. Bright Ideas will be reviewed by the hospital’s Executive Team on a regular basis and feasible Bright Ideas will be selected for implementation.

To help ensure we have a good understanding of your Bright Idea, provide us with as much information as you can.

While it is optional, if you provide us with your contact information, we will be able to recognize you for your support, request more information if needed, and enter your name into prize drawings.

Thank you for your support of McLaren Macomb.

Note: Fields marked with an * indicates required field

Will the Bright Idea have a positive effect on (briefly describe as applicable):

If you would like to send an attachment to help depict your Bright Idea, please email it to brightideas@mclaren.org.