Below is the Checklist and other required documents to be completed prior to start. Please print, complete, sign and return all documents.
Mandatory Information Review for Student/Non-Employee 1. Mandatory Orientation Review Checklist - sign and return
2. Behavior Expectations/Accountability & Corporate Compliance / HIPAA
3. Safety
4. Environment of Care
Hint: After opening this site 1. left click on drawing of binoculars on tool bar for Search function 2. type "Surgery" in box, then left click on 'Search' & review MSDS list for Surgery* 4. Left click on 'New Search' 5. Type "PACU" in box , then left click on 'Search' & review MSDS list for PACU *Click on "% " box on tool bar, click on 100% to increase size for easier reading.
5. Service Provided
Remember - mail, deliver, or fax all completed checklist, quizzes and agreements before starting. Question? Call Human Resources (Monday-Friday) at (989) 894-9530.
McLaren Health Care
Patient - Dr. Lily Sabouri
When should you go to the ER for the flu? With the 2024-2025 flu season being described as the “most intense” in 15 years, the US Centers for Dise...
McLaren Health Care, the three-state health care provider operating hospitals and comprehensive medical campuses throughout Michigan, has establis...
At what point should a doctor evaluate headaches? Everyone gets headaches. They can range, perhaps starting as a dull pain before escalating to th...