Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Cosmetic (or plastic) surgery is performed, usually on adults, to enhance looks. Reconstructive surgery is designed to improve function or appearance on abnormal structures on the body that have been caused by birth defects, developmental abnormalities, injury, tumors, infection, or disease. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons are able to provide many customized services for our patients including:


A surgical procedure to remove fat, excess skin, and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. This surgery can correct drooping upper eyelids and puffy bags under the eyes.

Breast augmentation

A surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman's breast.

Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Most insurance will cover reconstructive surgery following mastectomy. In some cases, the reconstruction is performed at the same time as the mastectomy.

Breast reduction

A surgical procedure to reduce the size and shape of a man or woman's breast.

Chemical peel

This procedure uses chemical solutions to help improve and smooth the texture of your facial skin by removing the damaged outer layers. It will not slow the aging process but will help with facial blemished, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation.

Cleft lip & palate

A baby born with a separation in the upper lip has a cleft lip. A baby born with a separation in the roof of the mouth (palate) has a cleft palate. Plastic surgery can repair this defect.


A facelift (rhytidectomy) is done to help improve visible signs of aging like the deep creases between the nose and mouth, slack in the skin around the jaw line, and for folds and fat deposits that appear around the neck. The surgery removes excess fat, tightens underlying muscles, and redrapes your face and neck skin. A facelift can be performed in conjunction with a forehead lift, eyelid surgery or rhinoplasty.

Hand surgery

Someone with hand injuries, birth defects of the hand, or degenerative disorders, may need plastic surgery for treatment to improve the function and appearance of the hand. Plastic surgeons undergo intensive training and are able to treat patients with a wide range of hand problems.

Laser hair removal

A relatively painless procedure to remove unwanted hair. More than one treatment may be necessary because some hair follicles are dormant.


This is a procedure that removes unwanted fat from specific areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, and neck. It is not a substitute for dieting, rather a way to remove areas of fat that do not respond to weight-loss.


The use of a laser to refresh facial skin without the down time associated with laser resurfacing.


Otoplasty is ear surgery, usually done on children between the ages of four and fourteen, to reduce the size of large ears or to set prominent ears closer to the head.


One of the most common plastic surgery procedures, rhinoplasty is nose surgery to reduce, increase, or change the shape of your nose. It can also correct birth defect, injury or breathing difficulties.

Scar revision

Scars that are large and unattractive a year or more after surgery may lead you to seek treatment. No scar can be removed completely but a plastic surgeon many times can improve the appearance of the scar through injection, steroid medications, or surgery, making it less noticeable.

Spider veins

The unsightly groups of red, blue, or purple veins that appear on the face or legs, most commonly in females. Laser ablation is the most favorable form of treatment, especially on the face. Some leg veins may require sclerotherapy where veins are injected with sclerosing (saline) solution that causes the veins to collapse and fade.

Tattoo removal

Removing tattoos with a laser takes approximately 4-6 treatments that are relatively painless and leave virtually no residual scar. Professional tattoos are easier to remove compared to home made.

Tummy tuck

Known as abdominoplasty is a major surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the middle and lower portion of the abdomen, and also to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. 

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