A Great Place To Work And Play

McLaren Healthcare Corporation's headquarters are located in Grand Blanc, the cradle of the automotive industry that boasts one of the nation's highest concentrations of technical talent and manufacturing know-how.

The area is enriched by the presence of The University of Michigan-Flint, Kettering University, Mott Community College, Baker College, and The Detroit College of Business. A world-class cultural center with its highly acclaimed symphony, art institute, museum, planetarium, theater, recital hall, and library enjoys exceptional community support.

Michigan is a recreational haven famous for its pristine lakes and woodlands. Genesee, Lapeer, and Ingham counties are ideally located for boating, skiing, snowboarding, camping, hiking, fishing, and golfing. An excellent interstate highway system intersects I-75 and I-69 near Flint, giving quick access to Detroit and Ann Arbor to the south, Lansing and Chicago to the west, or Port Huron and the Canadian border to the east.

For sightseeing and great weekend getaways, Michigan's "Up-North" officially starts not far from our doorway. What really makes our part of Michigan special is the people. Good, caring, hardworking people, who eagerly share their time and talent so their communities strong and united.

Mid-Michigan offers exceptional opportunities in almost every kind of sport, along with exceptional cultural events and educational institutions. Click on the links below to connect to the best that Mid-Michigan has to offer.

Community Events

McLaren Oakland is a proud member of these Chambers. Visit their web sites for more information about what is going on through the Chambers and Chamber members.

www.auburnhillschamber.com - Auburn Hills Chamber
www.clarkston.org - Clarkston Area Chamber
www.theoaklandchambernetwork.com - Oakland County Chamber
www.troychamber.com - Troy Chamber of Commerce and Industry
www.waterfordchamber.org - Waterford Area Chamber


Baker College (www.baker.edu)
Central Michigan University (www.cmich.edu)
Davenport University (www.davenport.edu)
Kettering University (www.kettering.edu)
Mott Community College (www.mcc.edu)
Oakland University (www.oakland.edu)
Oakland Community College - Highland Lakes Campus (www.oaklandcc.edu)
Spring Arbor University (www.arbor.edu)
University of Michigan/Flint (www.umflint.edu)


Crossroads Village (http://geneseecountyparks.org)
Community of Frankenmuth (http://www.frankenmuth.org)


Flint Firebirds Hockey (www.flintfirebirds.com)
Detroit Red Wings (www.detroitredwings.com)
Detroit Pistons (www.nba.com/pistons)
Detroit Tigers (www.tigers.mlb.com
Detroit Lions (www.detroitlions.com)
Michigan Golf (www.michigangolf.com)
Pine Knob Ski Resort (www.skipineknob.com)
Michigan International Speedway (www.nascar.com)
Bobby Crim Roadrace (www.crim.org)
Buick Open (www.pgatour.com)
Oakland County Parks - Adaptive Recreation Division offering golf leagues, special events, facilities and more for individuals with disabilities.  (www.oakgov.com)

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