About McLaren Flint

McLaren Flint is a 378-bed tertiary teaching facility located in Flint, Michigan, serving the medical needs of residents in greater Genesee County and Mideast Michigan. McLaren Flint is affiliated with Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in its medical residency programs including family practice, internal medicine, general surgery and orthopedic surgery. McLaren Flint also maintains vascular surgery, health psychology and cardiology fellowship programs in partnership with Michigan State University. McLaren Flint has a rich history of providing high quality, compassionate health care.

Gifts from Wills and Trusts

Please note, bequests may be designated for a specific hospital program or clinical area that you are interested in. Contact us to learn more about how your planned gift can create an impact.

Sample Bequest Language

For balance or residue of estate after arrangements are made for family:

“After fulfilling all other provisions, I hereby give, devise and bequeath to McLaren Flint Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 401 South Ballenger Highway, Flint, MI 48532, Federal Tax ID #38-1358053, ALL OR A PERCENTAGE of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to be used for the area of greatest need at the time the gift is received.”

For percentage of estate:

“I hereby give, devise and bequeath ____ percent (___%) of my total estate, determined as of the date of my death, to McLaren Flint Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 401 South Ballenger Highway, Flint, MI 48532, Federal Tax ID #38-1358053, to be used for the area of greatest need at the time the gift is received.”

For specific dollar amount:

“I hereby give, devise and bequeath _________ and No/100 dollars ($DOLLARS) to McLaren Flint Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 401 South Ballenger Highway, Flint, MI 48532, Federal Tax ID #38-1358053, to be used for the area of greatest need at the time the gift is received.”

For a contingent commitment gift:

“If (primary beneficiary) does not survive me, then I hereby give, devise and bequeath to 401 South Ballenger Highway, Flint, MI 48532, Federal Tax ID #38-1358053, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to be used for the area of greatest need at the time the gift is received.”

Beneficiary Gifts from Retirement Plans, Life Insurance, Brokerage Accounts or others with a beneficiary designation:

The following information should be listed on the change of beneficiary form:
McLaren Flint Foundation
EIN # 38-1358053
Incorporated in: Flint, MI

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions
McLaren Flint Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, categorized as a supporting organization under section 509(a)(3) of the tax code. All intended QCD gifts must be made payable to:
McLaren Flint Foundation (EIN: 38-1358053), a qualified charitable organization.

QCD gifts to the above organization should be mailed to:

McLaren Flint Foundation
401 South Ballenger Highway
Flint, MI 48532

Questions? We can help.
If you have any questions, or if you’d like to tell us about your intentions, please contact Doug Glazier, Vice President of Foundation, at douglas.glazier@mclaren.org or 810-342-4469.