How You Can Give To McLaren

McLaren Flint Foundation Home

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." (Winston Churchill)

How Your Gift to McLaren Will Be Recognized

All gifts to McLaren Flint during the year are recognized in a variety of ways, including through publication in the McLaren Flint Foundation's annual report.  Donors who have made cumulative gifts of at least $10,000 since 1981 become members of the McLaren Society and are honored on the Society wall.  Those who have Planned Gifts for McLaren's future are members of the McLaren Legacy and are recognized that display.  Named gifts will also be recognized appropriately in departments and printed materials.  Other special events and communications will also be offered to donors.

Make a Gift Now

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Endowment gifts are invested with a portion of the earnings from these investments used to fund programs, and the remainder invested to grow the fund.  As a fund grows, so do the earnings.

Endowment gifts live beyond the donors, helping to ensure the continued strength of McLaren Flint.  Through endowment giving, one generation looks after another, helping to provide a healthy future for those we love.

Minimum contributions to establish an endowment vary depending on the purpose of the gift.  To name a fund for an individual or family, a minimum contribution of $10,000 is required, unless otherwise specified.  Additions to existing endowments have no minimum contribution requirement.

Several examples of programs that could be endowed at McLaren Flint are as below:

  • Individual endowments for cardiovascular, cancer, kidney, orthopedics, the neurosciences, women's services or the emergency department
  • Graduate Medical Education
  • Medical Education Speaker Fund
  • Named Chairs of Residency Programs (Funds will help to ensure continued outstanding leadership in the education of medical professionals, research, and the development of patient care initiatives)
  • Named Medical Department Directorships (Funds will help sustain excellence in patient care and leadership in the medical departments)
  • Nursing Education Speaker Fund

Estate Planning

A donor should remember that all tangible personal property, such as paintings and other works of art, will be subject to estate taxes.  By giving such items to McLaren Flint during your lifetime or at death, you may realize certain benefits and discover a new way to make a gift.  Gifts of tangible personal property, which are related to the hospital's purpose, generally produce a deduction equal to the fair market value of the property.  Gifts that do not have a related purpose may generate a lower tax deduction but can still be attractive for contribution.  Certain gifts of tangible personal property require approval by the McLaren Flint Foundation Board.

Gifts of Securities

Securities, both publicly traded and closely held, and bonds can be used to make a gift to the McLaren Flint Foundation. A donor is entitled to a charitable tax deduction equal to the value of the securities on the date of the gift. McLaren is able to sell the securities and employ the proceeds, without reduction by capital gains taxes because of McLaren's status as a non-profit organization. Gifts of closely held stock require additional planning, and may require approval by the McLaren Flint Foundation Board.

Immediate Outright Gifts

A gift of cash or equities is the simplest of all gifts. If you itemize your deductions on your federal income tax return, you may be able to deduct your contribution to McLaren from your adjusted gross income. In addition, gifts of appreciated property avoid long-term capital gains tax. Check with your tax advisor for deduction and capital gains tax requirements and limitations for your situation.

Life Insurance

Life insurance offers an alternative method for making a charitable gift to the McLaren Flint Foundation.  For example, a donor may:

  • Give a policy that is fully paid up and take a deduction for the "present value" of the policy, as determined for tax purposes, (which generally is the approximate cash surrender value); or
  • Purchase a new policy of which McLaren is designated the owner and beneficiary.

Certain gifts of life insurance require approval by the McLaren Flint Foundation Board

Shop and Donate

The Hospitality House at McLaren is now eligible to receive charitable donations from the Kroger Community Rewards programs. This is an exciting and easy way to give back – making it possible for McLaren Flint to continue providing quality health care services to patients and community outreach programs to neighbors in need.

Click for instructions on how to enroll.


Kroger Community Awards


Hospital auxiliary volunteers keep the wheels of hospital care running smoothly, and the corps of volunteers supporting McLaren Flint are among the most active in the state. Our auxiliary currently numbers over 200 members, contributing an average of 2000 hours a month in services. Greeting visitors is only your first introduction to the role of volunteers at McLaren Flint, says Linda Krueger, our auxiliary president. “We have 32 services, including emergency rooms, radiology, and heart & vascular.” McLaren Flint volunteers are also a vital part of the Karmanos Cancer Center and the Hospitality House at McLaren.

The McLaren Flint Auxiliary Volunteers are a diverse group, mostly retired women (though a number of men now volunteer). However, they share mutual motivations for contributing. “Most people want to give back,” notes Krueger. “Everybody worked in different jobs, but once they retired, they didn’t want to just sit at home and watch TV. They wanted to do something with a purpose.”

Call the Auxiliary office at (810) 342-2009 to learn more.

Learn more about volunteering at McLaren Flint